Anonymous ID: 911b8e Nov. 26, 2018, 8:18 p.m. No.4044449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4647







Wherever the United Nations are death, destruction and child trafficking follow.


The UN model is very obvious to see when put in plan language we only have to look at Africa where the cabal run UN ramped up it's operation on the success of the 1984 Ethiopian famine, false narrative, and subsequent "Live Aid" concert conveniently put together and promoted by alleged major player in human trafficking Sir Bob Geldof. Let's not forget that it was Geldof who was last to speak to INXS singer Michael Hutchence's before he was found hung on a door knob in a Sydney hotel. The documentary on his last hours says he was fighting with Geldof over the children. With Hutchence ex stating: "Bob Geldof murdered Michael Hutchence," Yates told Britain's Daily Express newspaper on Monday. "That bastard killed Michael. He is called Saint Bob. That makes me sick. He killed my baby. We have had three years of this." Then she ends up dead via suicide.


The rot goes back a lot further but the escalation started in the 80s.


Ever since the first live aid concert promotion of charities, under the control of the UN, have been garnering enormous donations from an unsuspecting public who are in essence handing over their money to literal monsters who deal in death and horrendous crimes against children and humanity.


We had the UN Charity scandals which are scooped under the rug, look at the shear volume of the abuse cases yet these so called charities are still soliciting funds:


An outright frightening dossier released by a former senior United Nations official reveals that United Nations employees have carried out over 60,000 rapes in just the last decade. What’s more, the dossier estimates that the organization currently employs at least 3,300 pedophiles.


Aid agencies including Oxfam were warned that aid workers were sexually abusing children in Haiti a decade ago,


Save the Children admitted on Tuesday that it dealt with 193 child protection and 35 sexual harassment cases last year, which led to 30 dismissals.


So far we’ve encountered Oxfam, Save the Children, Doctors without Borders (MSF) and the UN (including its children’s fund Unicef). But that’s by no means the whole story.


More than 40 agencies and organisations and nearly 70 individuals were mentioned in the testimonies taken from 1,500 children and adults for the UN report [..]

Anonymous ID: 911b8e Nov. 26, 2018, 8:29 p.m. No.4044552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4587 >>4640 >>5038 >>5120

Trump is considering this former Senate candidate to replace Nikki Haley at the UN: report



With Nikki Haley stepping down as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations at the end of the year, President Donald Trump is reportedly considering former Michigan Senate candidate and Iraq War veteran John James to fill the post, according to Bloomberg.


Haley surprisingly announced her resignation in early October, possibly to pursue greater income opportunities in the private sector. Trump praised Haley’s service at the time, and said there were “many names” of potential replacements to consider.


Who is John James? James ran for Senate in Michigan, losing 52 percent to 46 percent against Democratic incumbent Sen. Debbie Stabenow.


James is a West Point graduate and former Army helicopter pilot who served in Iraq and who now owns a supply chain management business in Detroit called James Group International.


How real are his chances? James could still be just one on the list of names being considered, but Bloomberg reported that James was at the White House last week meeting with Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo about a potential administration post.


Who else is being considered? According to The Detroit News, Trump is also considering the U.S. ambassadors to France, Germany and Canada to replace Haley.


What else could James do? There is a potential opportunity to run for Michigan’s other Senate seat in 2020, which some will encourage him to do since he outperformed expectations in 2018.

Anonymous ID: 911b8e Nov. 26, 2018, 8:31 p.m. No.4044576   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli Company Sold iPhone Spyware To Saudis Knowing Riyadh Would Purge Dissidents


Weeks ago NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden was the first to reveal that Saudi Arabia used Israeli spyware to target murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, accusing a Tel Aviv-based compmany called NSO Group of “selling a digital burglary tool,” adding it “is not just being used for catching criminals and stopping terrorist attacks, not just for saving lives, but for making money… such a level of recklessness… actually starts costing lives.”


This has now been confirmed in detail by a new bombshell investigative report in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, which outlines how NSO Group representatives met with Saudi intelligence officials in Vienna in 2017 in order to demonstrate the powerful and easy hacking capability of its advanced Pagasus 3 system, which using a mere SIM card number can turn a person's phone into an all-purpose spying device sweeping up the user's voice conversations, camera, messages, and social media usage.

Anonymous ID: 911b8e Nov. 26, 2018, 8:55 p.m. No.4044798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Medical Glasses? Hillary Clinton Spotted at Broadway Show Looking Rough – Wearing Tinted Glasses


Bill and Hillary Clinton attended Torch Song on Broadway in New York over the Thanksgiving weekend before they embark on their ‘An Evening with the Clintons’ tour this week.


Hillary Clinton was looking rough Saturday night wearing tinted glasses.


The whole Clinton crew was there-Chelsea Clinton joined her parents for the show.

Anonymous ID: 911b8e Nov. 26, 2018, 9:06 p.m. No.4044896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4915

MSNBC Reporter Busts Narrative, Admits Migrants Are Mostly Men


MSNBC reporter Gadi Schwartz, who is on the ground in Tijuana, Mexico, said Monday that most of the caravan members he’s encountered are males — many of whom are not seeking asylum.


MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle asked Schwartz to characterize the group of migrants he’s encountered, stating, “Some people look at these images and they listen to the president, who says, ‘It’s not women and children, it’s stone cold criminals.'”


“Give us the profile of who’s there mostly and what they’re looking for,” Ruhle added.


Schwartz explained that there are a lot of families “in the inner sanctum of the shelter,” but revealed that outside of the tent city there are scores of men trying to cross the border.


“The truth is, the majority of the people that are in this caravan, especially outside — if we can make our way all the way over there, we’ll show you the majority of them are men,” Schwartz said. “From what we’ve seen, the majority are actually men and some of these men have not articulated that need for asylum.”


Schwartz said that a lot of the men in the caravan have shared economic reasons for migrating or have expressed a desire for a “better life.”Despite Schwartz’s reporting, MSNBC anchor Katy Tur asked “how much lower” the U.S. can go and insisted border agents were throwing tear gas at primarily women and children.


“These are the images. A mom pulling her two daughters away from the tear gas,” Tur said. “The very people in charge are treating these people as an invading army, including these moms, including these kids.”


Border patrol unleashed tear gas on Sunday after hundreds of members of the caravan stormed the southern U.S. border and some threw rocks, bricks, and bottles at border agents.


Border patrol agents said in interviews that the rock-throwing migrants were using the women and children in their group as human shields to discourage border agents from responding with force.

Anonymous ID: 911b8e Nov. 26, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.4044899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4923

Top pro-Israel groups in America are mobilizing against Rand Paul for blocking the continuation of U.S. aid to Israel…


Top pro-Israel groups in America are mobilizing against Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) for blocking the continuation of U.S. aid to Israel, the renewal of which comes at a critical time for the Jewish state as it continues to combat ongoing terror attacks from Hamas loyalists along its border.


The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, the nation’s foremost pro-Israel lobby group, has been purchasing advertisements on Facebook outing Paul as the primary Senate force blocking the reauthorization of the U.S.-Israel security pact, according to sources close to the effort.


Other prominent pro-Israel organizations, such as Christians United for Israel, or CUFI, also have undertaken efforts to expose Paul’s hold on U.S. security assistance to Israel, recently organizing an email blitz aimed at pressuring the isolationist senator to remove his hold on the critical funding bill.


CUFI is said to have invested heavily in ads based in Kentucky to target the senator’s constituents directly on the issue.


Paul, a proponent of ending U.S. aid across the globe, has had multiple confrontations with the pro-Israel community over the years as result of his views. Paul has sought to hold up U.S. aid to Israel multiple times over the years, creating friction between him and top U.S. pro-Israel lobbying shops.


“Sen. Rand Paul is blocking the U.S.-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act, S.2497,” CUFI wrote in a Monday morning email “action alert” to its millions of supporters across the country, including Paul’s home state of Kentucky. “This bill is the cornerstone of U.S. support for Israel. It ensures Israel has what it needs to fight terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah, and keeps at bay tyrants like the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran.”


“Sen. Paul is blocking this important legislation,” CUFI wrote. “The bill, which already passed the Senate once, and then the House of Representatives, is expected to be enthusiastically signed by Pres. Donald Trump. Our last obstacle to getting this bill signed into law is Sen. Paul’s hold in the Senate.”


Paul’s efforts to block the continuation of U.S. aid to Israel also has drawn the attention of AIPAC, the nation’s most formidable pro-Israel organization.


The group has already been running advertisements of Facebook outing Paul as the source of the hold and urging its supporters to contact the senator to express opposition to his effort.

Anonymous ID: 911b8e Nov. 26, 2018, 9:09 p.m. No.4044912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5099

Amnesty International To Stage Worldwide Protests Against Google’s “Dystopian” Censored Search for China


Amnesty International has announced a new protest campaign calling on Google to cancel its controversial plan to launch a censored search engine in China.


The human rights group on Monday launched a petition against the search engine and said that on Tuesday, it will stage demonstrations outside Google offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, and Spain. Google’s plan for China would “irreparably damage internet users’ trust in the tech company,” Amnesty said in statement, and “would set a dangerous precedent for tech companies enabling rights abuses by governments.”


As The Intercept first reported in August, Google secretly developed the censored search engine as part of a project code-named Dragonfly. It was designed to blacklist words and phrases such as “human rights,” “Nobel Prize,” and “student protest.” The search platform would link Chinese users’ search records to their cellphone numbers and share people’s search histories with a Chinese partner company. The search records would in turn be accessible to China’s authoritarian government, which has broad surveillance and data-seizing powers that it routinely uses to identify and arrest activists and critics.


“This is a watershed moment for Google,” said Joe Westby, Amnesty International’s researcher on technology and human rights. “As the world’s No. 1 search engine, it should be fighting for an internet where information is freely accessible to everyone, not backing the Chinese government’s dystopian alternative.”


He added, “Many of Google’s own staff have spoken out against these plans, unwilling to play a role in the Chinese government’s manipulation of information and persecution of dissidents. Their courageous and principled stance puts Google’s leadership to shame. Today we are standing with Google staff and asking them to join us in calling on [Google CEO] Sundar Pichai to drop Project Dragonfly and reaffirm Google’s commitment to human rights.”


In late August, Amnesty and 13 other leading human rights groups wrote to Google, saying that they believed the company would be “directly contributing to, or [becoming] complicit in, human rights violations” if it went ahead with the plan. Sources said that Google recently responded to the groups with an “unsatisfactory” letter that did not address their concerns.


The latest development will continue to put pressure on Google executives over the search engine project. In recent months, more than 1,400 Google employees signed a letter calling for the plan to be subject to an ethics review, and a senior research scientist quit the company in protest. Meanwhile, U.S. senators requested more information from Google about Dragonfly, calling it “deeply troubling.” And Vice President Mike Pence took the extraordinary step of demanding that the company “immediately end” Dragonfly’s development.


Pichai has sought to calm the backlash by portraying Dragonfly as an “experiment.” However, he has also defended his vision for the plan, saying that Google is “compelled by our mission [to] provide information to everyone, and [China is] 20 percent of the world’s population.” A leaked transcript obtained by The Intercept revealed that the company had aimed to launch the search engine between January and April 2019.



Anonymous ID: 911b8e Nov. 26, 2018, 9:11 p.m. No.4044931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4948 >>5138

Fights break out and long lines form outside a Bank of America ATM in Texas that kept spitting out $100 bills instead of $10s - and bank says customers can KEEP the extra cash


Local residents scrambled to get grab some free cash outside the ATM Sunday

Photos show long line of cars near ATM and a crowd of people gathered around it

The ATM kept spitting out $100 bills instead of $10s, authorities said Monday

Bank statement shows that vendor incorrectly loaded $100 bills in place of $10s

Customers who received the money in error will be able to keep the funds


Fights reportedly broke out near a Bank of America ATM in Texas after the machine kept spitting out $100 bills.


A long line of cars was also seen outside the ATM as people scrambled to get their turn at grabbing a wad of cash.


Authorities said the machine was giving customer $100 bills instead of $10 bills.


A customer apparently went to the Bank of America ATM near FM 1960 around 11pm Sunday night to withdraw cash, according to KPRC 2.


But instead of getting a $10 bill, the machine spit out a $100.


The man then posted about the incident on social media, causing a crowd of people to rush over for the free extra cash.