Anonymous ID: 2d3c7a Nov. 27, 2018, 12:31 a.m. No.4046072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6089 >>6541

Google Doodles and Cabal Fuggery


Hey anons, just something interesting I've noticed about Google over the past few months. It seems like they feature a lot of Cabal special mentions right in front of our faces. What's up with that?


Today Fe Del Mundo is being featured, and while to those yet not awake it might seem like an interesting piece of history, you look deeper and she and others usually put up on the search engine have ties to places who deal in trafficking, or some other cabal crimes.


== More on Mundo =


Research and Innovations


Del Mundo was noted for her pioneering work on infectious diseases in Philippine communities. Undeterred by the lack of well-equipped laboratories in post-war Philippines, she would not hesitate to send specimens or blood samples for analysis abroad.[13] In the 1950s, she pursued studies on dengue fever, a common malady in the Philippines of which little was then yet known.[13] Her clinical observations on dengue, and the findings of research she later undertook on the disease are said to "have led to a fuller understanding of dengue fever as it afflicts the young".[6] She authored over a hundred articles, reviews and reports in medical journals[6] on such diseases as dengue, polio and measles.[17] She also authored "Textbook of Pediatrics", a fundamental medical text used in Philippine medical schools.[18]


Del Mundo was active in the field of public health, with special concerns towards rural communities. She organized rural extension teams to advise mothers on breastfeeding and child care.[12] and promoted the idea of linking hospitals to the community through the public immersion of physicians and other medical personnel to allow for greater coordination among health workers and the public for common health programs such as immunization and nutrition.[18] She called for the greater integration of midwives into the medical community, considering their more visible presence within rural communities. Notwithstanding her own devout Catholicism,[3][6][12] she was an advocate of family planning and population control.[12]


I'm sure for those of you who can read between the lines, or dig, you might find she has some interesting connections. The last time I did a dig was on the other woman that was pictured a few months ago. Her name was, Maria L. de Hernández.


Maria was known for being a Mexican American rights activist, and you can find out tons about her through this wiki article.


She was known for co-founder and being organizer of:

Orden Caballeros de America (Mexican Masons)

Asociación Protectora de Madres


Guess what you find if you search those groups? See images above.

Oh yeah, and on the google doodle itself, this might just be me, but what does that look like on the speaker part of the microphone? A Q?


And for even more shits and giggles, here's a link to the rest of the Google doodles, just in case you want to extra credit:

Anonymous ID: 2d3c7a Nov. 27, 2018, 12:35 a.m. No.4046089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6182



Oh yeah, and look at the little pepe frog in that child's hand. Forgot to point that out too.

Google is talking shit in subtle ways, IMO.

I had this theory for a while, that it's their way to rub shit in our faces, but since I never had access to 8ch then, most people on Fagbook thought I was reaching.

Anonymous ID: 2d3c7a Nov. 27, 2018, 12:38 a.m. No.4046102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anyways anons, just thought I'd share something interesting with you guys before bed.

I might be a potential workfag tomorrow, so I have to get some sleep.

Night fags!