Boom, boom, boom.
Snykes and Ladders
Any version of Snakes and Ladders can be represented exactly as an absorbing Markov chain, since from any square the odds of moving to any other square are fixed and independent of any previous game history.[4] The Milton Bradley version of Chutes and Ladders has 100 squares, with 19 chutes and ladders. A player will need an average of 39.2 spins to move from the starting point, which is off the board, to square 100. A two-player game is expected to end in 47.76 moves with a 50.9% chance of winning for the first player.[18] Those calculations are based on a variant where throwing a six does not lead to an additional roll; and where the player must roll the exact number to reach square 100 and if they overshoot it their counter does not move.
All games have morals; and the game of Snakes and Ladders captures, as no other activity can hope to do, the eternal truth that for every ladder you hope to climb, a snake is waiting just around the corner, and for every snake a ladder will compensate. But it's more than that; no mere carrot-and-stick affair; because implicit in the game is unchanging twoness of things, the duality of up against down, good against evil; the solid rationality of ladders balances the occult sinuosities of the serpent; in the opposition of staircase and cobra we can see, metaphorically, all conceivable oppositions, Alpha against Omega, father against mother.[21]
Up your game, paytriot.
Japanese had the same poor rep for quality when they were rapidly industrializing.
How long does it take to change a perception?
NPCs reprogrammed …
>The Quasicrystalline Spin Network (QSN) is an extremely hard object to 3D-print, especially on a fully homemade 3D printer.
Mind is a dynamic interaction of conscious and unconscious components. Most of us don't know the unconscious exists, and are exceptionally vulnerable to manipulation.
We persist in calling the unconscious component of mind the "subconscious" which implies the unconscious mind is subordinate, when the opposite is true.
Freud's psyop.
Very few human decision are rational, that gloss is like the white paint on a picket fence.
We have shills.
Shills want your response. They get paid for your reply.
Do NOT reply to shills.
Do NOT bark back at dogs.
Do NOT engage shills.
Do NOT be triggered by shills taunts.
Do NOT correct intentional shill errors.
Do NOT engage shills.
Do NOT slide the board.
We the People should have network to distribute information that is real and true and important.
USG has multiple secure networks, whispr and all that - We the people have the inherently insecure network the internet which is useful for robbing and spying on We the People but is a self evident failure at distributing information that is real, true amd important to the functioning of an advanced computational civilization.