What do you want to bet this all ties into human trafficking? How do you "move" product? Cars, planes…?
What do you want to bet this all ties into human trafficking? How do you "move" product? Cars, planes…?
So who is WENDY Wasserman Schultz??
I can't find anything about any State Rep with that name. Is it Debbie's "Legal" name? Or did the legal website get it wrong?
There's a lot of digging to be had on the Board of Directors
Looks like they're still getting contracts… maybe not the bad guys. I guess I'll refocus on Magic and Loop
>Now Debbie is also called Wendy in few artilces
So does Debbie go by Wendy? Because the article attached is a website for Florida Law. I doubt they'd get a name wrong on the sponsor to a bill.
We don't even know for a fact that he's going to be arrested. Corsi saying he would be is the only proof.
So we need to figure out what's going on in Denver. Why Denver.