Anonymous ID: 078701 Nov. 27, 2018, 9 a.m. No.4048848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8882

Report from an ExPat in Mexico


This will be a bit long and some will choose not to read it, but, after reading multiple posts about the caravan, I thought it might be a good idea to provide information from a Mexico point of view. My information comes primarily from Mexican news sources, not American.


The organizers of the caravans is a group called People Without Borders. They began to organize the caravan in August, by posting on social media. They are currently in the process of organizing a "super caravan", scheduled to leave Honduras on January 15. 85% of the caravan consists of young men. Women and children compose the rest, but were placed at the front, particularly while the American news people were following them. The caravan tore down the fence between Mexico and Guatemala, over running the police. Along the way, the Mexican people have been warm and friendly, bringing food, blankets, toiletries etc. Upon arrival in Mexico City, they demanded that the UN provide them with buses. The U.N. declined. However, the migrants did begin to get rides on trucks and buses. It should be noted that the current President offered asylum and jobs, which they turned down. Two weeks ago, 3000 migrants arrived in Tijuana. Another 3000 arrived this past week. More are expected everyday. When some arrived, they went to the beach area, causing so many problems, the local residents contacted the Mayor. He met with them, then arranged transportation for the migrants to the sports complex. The locals brought them food, which they refused because they didn't like it. The locals use the word "invasion" to describe what is going on. Last week, a local teenage girl was raped and killed and a police officer stabbed. There is wide spread use of drugs, and multiple arrests.


This has affected the jobs of many of the locals. Many people work along the border lanes, selling food, souvenirs, etc. All lost income yesterday due to the border closure. Tourism was down 40% over the 4 day holiday. The argument of "brown" hating doesn't apply when the Mexicans themselves are chanting "Trump is right" and the TJ mayor wears a hat saying Make Tijuana Great Again.


A country can be compassionate and still be lawful. Yes, the migrants have the right to walk across the US border and request asylum. Walking is not the same as rushing or tearing down a wall. The migrants violated the law of Mexico. If asylum is the goal, a migrant can also walk into any consulate and request asylum. There are 6 US consulates in Mexico, including Mexico City. In addition, there are pedestrian lanes. They could have stood in line and walked across. They still could do that, but chose to rush the border and throw rocks and stones at CBP. They have not made a good impression and they Mexican people want them deported to their home country.


There is more, but I think that's probably enough for now.