Anonymous ID: 616dfe Nov. 27, 2018, 9:04 a.m. No.4048878   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4047797 (Coupla breads back)


Who says that Manafort actually met with Assange? I believe the story to be fake news. The only sauce for it is a mysterious source that allegedly gave the information to a staunchly anti-Trump, lefty news site… This is what they always do when they make things up. Just like all the New York Times and Washington Post anonymous "sources". The MSM is pushing this very hard in unison, and whenever they all start doing this at the same time you can be certain that it is one of the 4:00am talking points that they were given to push. There is no evidence at all that these meetings ever happened. Its total BS.


They obviously planted this fake story to provide another false narrative for Mueller to use as an excuse to continue his nonsense. Obviously, they are getting VERY desperate. This includes Mueller. If those declassified FISA documents are it means the end of Mueller and also the end of the careers of a whole lot of people who are out there running their mouths right now.

Anonymous ID: 616dfe Nov. 27, 2018, 9:12 a.m. No.4048986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9045

A question…




Why does Q always refer to No Name's 'departure' and never to his death? My theory is that that coffin was buried empty. NoName 'departed' to GITMO—his permanent new home. I can just imagine what his last few days were like…watching the clock tick and knowing that his time was running out.


I get the feeling that this is exactly what its like for many in DC now. 'Extreme panic' can't even begin to characterize it.

Anonymous ID: 616dfe Nov. 27, 2018, 9:21 a.m. No.4049065   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another CEO Bob Sauerberg, forced to resign. He is the CEO of the failing Conde Nast publishing corporation. For those who don't know, Conde Nast publishes most of those glossy magazines that you see in bookstores and at magazine counters and newstands. It also produces some lifestyle and sports cable TV programs—ALL of which have gone full-on LEFTY since Hussein's presidency, and are now blatantly anti-POTUS since Trump took office. They are also HEAVILY promoting globalism, faggotry, and the multi-culti thing. One by one, their magazines have been faltering and shutting down their print operations due to loss of subscribers. If you have a subscription to any of their publications please consider canceling it.