Anonymous ID: cfe34d Nov. 27, 2018, 8:10 a.m. No.4048388   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4046306 (pb)


Good luck, anons. Unless you have something like whoisology then I am not sure how much you'll get. Back in the early days of pizzagate and seth rich digs, whoisology was pretty useful. After they severely cut down their free offering and blackholed a lot of interesting data even for the paid tier.


There are Windows based programs for doing this kind of digging. Lost the link a while.


Here is a link I just found with a list of osint (open source intelligence) tools -


For IPs you can also use some of the tools at


For current records I like to use one-off registrars. gives you current records easily without signing in. Many domains are privacy protected these days, though. They're learning.


>>4046403 (pb)


What was the IP address from RackSpace that Q posted last year?