Rod Rosenstein
Is married to:
Lisa Barsoomian
She is a Clinton Foundation Lawyer
Moreover, according to reports, she represented Hillary Clinton, between 1991 to 2017; she also represented Bill Clinton, James Comey, Barack Obama, Kathleen Sebellius and Robert Muller.
More sauce to counter the false narrative that Barsoomian never represented the Clintons. Read past the Summary (however it is an excellent review of the whole sordid affair of treason in high places) and go Down to where Barsoomian is reviewed.
Now for my theory of habbenings:
Trump wins, Rosenstein (once nominated by Bush to the 4th District Court of Appeals, senate took no action) is a semi-white hat, but his wife is getting paid real well by the Clintons, so he’s walking a tight line. Knows Trump is not what everyone thought would win and goes into preservation mode and like a good lawyer, makes no waves.
Plus Rod (the Rat at this point) knows Comey, his buddy and the Clintons have cooked up a scenario to take Trump out before/after taking office, with FBI Counter Intel run by PS and LP, who are on the scene with MI6/MI5 and the rest of the five eyes.
So Trump comes in gets his intel from Admiral Rogers at NSA and Military Intelligence and immediately identifies his position and the action to be taken. Enter the DOJ and Jeff Sessions who immediately recuses himself and effectively puts Rod Rosenstein in charge of Muh Russia.
Trump contacts Rosenstein, tells him early on what his role will be. And the timing of events and the hell he will have to go through from all sides, if he wants to save his wife, because the Clintons are an evil pair and to dethrone a king you must kill the king. Trump knew early on the Clintons and the cabal that support them are then real enemy.
So Trump tells Rosenstein and his wife they will be not prosecuted for her crimes as their role will be central in taking the Clintons down once and for all. So Trump tells Rosenstein, yes sign the FISA warrant on your desk we must keep the myth alive and do all you can to slow down all information releases until it’s time as it’s way to early to do anything at this point as no one would dethrone the Clintons completely if done too early (ie. Whitewater/Lewinsky) so conditions must be perfect to pull it all together and defeat the Clintons once and for all.
So Rosenstein continues in his role as chief DOJ operative in charge of the Mueller investigation.
Then Q drops [D]ec 5 crumb on Huber report on Clinton Foundation, Lisa Barsoomian, Remember her? Continued in her role and has lawyer dirt on Clintons Tax avoidance scheme by using foundation funds as their personal piggy bank.
Get out the popcorn, it will be a great movie the third act, brining the Clintons/democrats down.