Anonymous ID: 18cda8 Nov. 27, 2018, 1:32 p.m. No.4051565   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From Polish Anon


There's outrage in Polish media after US ambassador Georgette Mosbacher writes official letter in which she makes plenty of mistakes showing her nonchalant attitude towards Polish government.


In the very opening she addressed Polish Prime Minister as minister and then she mispronouned his surname writing Moraweicki instead of Morawiecki.

Later she mispronounced surname of minister of interior - Brudziński and wrote Brudzińksi.


One of the polish sites wrote an article titled


"Poles should be engulfed in sadness after reading US ambassador about TVN. It shows, how significant Poland is nowadays."


And later wrote:

"It's a bit like if one of the partners came to the president of a large company, who subleases the floor and bluntly blames it, confusing the position, the name, and speaking in a language he does not know, while exchanging a series of demands. Would the chairman have the right to feel unpopular?"


"The ambassador, who is formally a guest in our country, thus shows how much Poland means and how it doesn't matter. I omit visual issues, although in official correspondence it is necessary that the letter is not written "on the knee". Meanwhile, this one was written on the knee, not only figuratively, but probably literally."


Twitter link to photo of the letter:


Former minister of foreign affairs Witold Waszczykowski said:

Ambassador Mosbacher is a New York celebrity. We have issues with her lack of professionalism.


The letter looks so bad that at first journalists were sure it's a poor hoax, later the embassy asked about the letter replied:

"The Embassy cannot comment on official diplomatic correspondence"

Which confirmed it was an official document from the US embassy.


Journal "do rzeczy" wrote it's not the first time Mosbacher puts herself in a bad light and she used to

"…press the ministers and officials "to introduce such changes to the laws that would put US companies operating in a privileged position in Poland".


  • The ambassador declared very clearly, with an open text, that it should not be the case that all entities operating on the Polish market pay tax in a similar amount. She said that the Polish and European market is difficult for American companies and expected that solutions to reduce the tax burden for companies coming from the United States would be introduced - said a journalist informer. He added: - The ambassador expected that the new regulations would put American entities in a privileged position in favor of Polish companies."


The whole case with the letter started when american owned Polish TV station (hated by right wing ruling party PiS) TVN aired documentary about neonazis rising in power. Later political portal published photos showing one of the documentary directors saluting next to Hitler's face (PIC).


The Ministry of Interior and Administration's mr. Brudziński condemned the material:

"When I spoke in Polish parliament about people who under the photo of Hitler and the swastika are heiling, I was convinced that it was a handful of idiots and imbeciles. I was naive. It looks like it was a hideous, repulsive provocation devastating the image of Poland in the world . What do TVN owners say about it?"


US ambassador Mosbacher replied with official letter mention above.