Anonymous ID: 490b71 Nov. 27, 2018, 1:25 p.m. No.4051500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2100

The UN vehicles that were in Hagerstown, Maryland mentioned in the last bread have been written about in numerous articles online. This one is from a local newspaper. I'm posting it because there are some interesting details, and it is no longer on their website.


WILLIAMSPORT, Md. — "Several different types of United Nations vehicles appear to be ready for shipping or use in Williamsport, Maryland. Some of them are clearly for humanitarian aid, such as tractor trailer tankers and two ambulances. Others are military-style vehicles.


Several residents saw the rows of trucks located near the Kellogg Company warehouse and took to social media. Before long, other people made their way to the location and also shared photos and video.


A man on the scene, who declined to provide his name, said the location is a logistics warehouse for the State Department. He said there is nothing classified or restricted going on at the site. However, he said, the site was being posted “no trespassing” in the attempt to stop more “misinformation” from being spread on social media.


An armed, uniformed Homeland Security officer has been brought in to help establish security and stop people from entering the property. On Friday, “no trespassing” signs were being placed on the fence all around the perimeter.


The unidentified man stated that the gate would be closed. He also claimed that the Kellogg Company had nothing to do with that side of the property. He mentioned that they were getting many calls and a social media post stated that Kellogg was involved with the government.


He claimed that he and the vehicles were a division of the State Department called International Narcotics and Law Enforcement.


The man would not confirm or deny that the vehicles were bound for overseas duty.


Attempts to reach anyone at the number provided by the unidentified man were unsuccessful as of press time."