Anonymous ID: 57354f Nov. 27, 2018, 1:48 p.m. No.4051739   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1756 >>1803 >>2110



Did you ever hear about the Cloward-Piven-Strategy?

This is a leftist tactic to undermine the wellfare state by overflooding it with poor people and their needs.

Together with subversive tactics like voter fraud and letting non-citizens vote and also the mentally handicapped people, this is aimed at bringing the welfare state to the brink, where it must collapse.

Then, so the theory, the poor (underprivileged HAVE to rise up against their "oppressors" and socialism/ communism can be introduced into countries that don't want to make this change.

I only have a german website handy as a source, but you can google it and find many fine links.

Imo, this is, what Q is hinting at and talking about.

It fits to a t with what Merkel and our Greens ared oing, what the EU is doing.

In the sixties this tactic was employed in the US and it made NYC around 1970 nearly ungovernable.

Giuliani remembers this well and he now advises Trump.

Back to my country: there is no hope that Germany won't sign the Compact on migration. More and more papers openly admit that Merkel and her cronies were the dribยดving powers behind this compact.

How can our neighbours live with a Germany that will get more dangerous from year to year

If Germany will some day explode with violence and be pure chaos, no other country sharing a border with us, will be safe.

I love Denmark. And I love my own country.

This is all very frightening and sad.