Anonymous ID: b980c5 Nov. 27, 2018, 1:20 p.m. No.4051452   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mueller Misstep? Indicted Russian Firm Asks to Share Secret Evidence With Staff


A Russian restaurant company indicted in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into whether members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russian officials is asking a US court for permission to internally share information that the US government considers “sensitive.”


The process of discovery (when prosecutors share their evidence with defense attorneys) in the case has been fraught with fears about how sharing evidence with the American lawyers for the Russian company could backfire on the special counsel's office. Indeed, it came as a surprise to many that Concord decided to respond to the charges at all; now, the Mueller team must grapple with how to present its evidence without revealing state secrets.


Concord Management and Consulting LLC is among two other companies and 13 individuals indicted by Mueller in February for what prosecutors say was a conspiracy to sway the election for then-candidate Donald Trump with the help of fake social media accounts. Specifically, Mueller accuses Concord of funding another LLC, the Internet Research Agency, for the purpose of using sock-puppet accounts to sway the 2016 election toward Trump.


Concord contends that the judge's decision on whether the materials contained in the discovery can be shared with its employees and officers will "significantly affect the defense position to how it can proceed."


In June, the judge in the case, Dabney Friedrich of the US District Court of the District of Columbia, decided there was "ample good cause" that full discovery could compromise US national security sources and methods by divulging them to the Russians and barred Concord's attorneys from sharing certain materials with any foreign nationals, including Concord co-defendant and owner Yevgeniy Prigozhin, a Russian businessman. Concord argued that it was critical to their defense that Prigozhin be privy to the evidence used to indict him.


"Concord's right to prepare and present a full defense at trial does not depend on Prigozhin having access to sensitive discovery materials, at least not at this early stage of the prosecution," Friedrich wrote at the time, saying the issue could be revisited later.


Partially because the United States and Russia don't have an extradition treaty, it came as a shock to Mueller's team when Concord retained lawyers to fight its charges in the US. Concord was the only indicted Russian entity to respond to the charges.


But when Concord started asking for discovery — the legal right of anybody accused of a crime in the United States — Mueller tried to delay handing over the evidence of his case, an attempt rejected by the judge.

Anonymous ID: b980c5 Nov. 27, 2018, 1:23 p.m. No.4051477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1537

Democrat Sen. Brian Schatz Backpedals After Conflating Tear Gas with Chemical Weapons


Hawaii Senator Brian Schatz quickly backpedaled on a very Trumpian stream of tweets about the legality of using tear gas against migrants attempting to penetrate the U.S. border.


“Tear gas across the border against unarmed families is a new low,” he tweeted. “Who gave the order? Did it implement or contravene policy?” Schatz then asked whether the use of tear gas was “consistent with the Conventions on Chemical weapons.”


“Who gave the order? Did it implement or contravene policy,” he asked, following it with another text asking again, in all caps, “WHO GAVE THE ORDER?” Schatz drew criticism, specifically from the Washington Examiner‘s Seth Mandel, and Fox News commentator Stephen Miller.


Schatz immediately deleted the chemical weapons tweet, but did not back down from his views. Instead, he invited others to join him. “Anyone uncomfortable with spraying tear gas on children is welcome to join the coalition of the moral and the sane,” he wrote. “We can argue about other stuff when we’ve got our country back.”


“A basic ground rule of American leadership ought to be to try to hold the children harmless,” Schatz later concluded. “Cruelty is not strength.”

Anonymous ID: b980c5 Nov. 27, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.4051503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1540 >>1550

5G Is the New Tobacco on the Worldwide Slave Plantation


5G is basically a research project using harmful technology, forced upon by people who did not agree to be experimented on, and are basically fed ’5G’… which is something poisoned, disguised as something good.

Anonymous ID: b980c5 Nov. 27, 2018, 1:34 p.m. No.4051584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1615 >>1675

Ukraine thoughts


As in every other time Putin and Trump have been scheduled to meet the Cabal use fuckery to interfere in the meeting / lead up to create distractions.


Macron's lame af seating changes and interference is a prime example.


The influx of shills here now have moved focus to "fuck Russia fuck Putin" lines as seen in last bread to try and distract the lurkers and lead them back to the cabal/deep state hate Russia narrative.


Seems to me Trump is playing along as doing so gives them comfort (((they))) will now try and flog this like a dead horse until the meeting.


Don't get sucked into the same old mind control loops.





Anonymous ID: b980c5 Nov. 27, 2018, 2:06 p.m. No.4051915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1931

McConnell Vows to Block Vote on Bill Protecting Mueller Witch Hunt


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Tuesday he will block a vote on a bill that would protect Robert Mueller and his Russian witch hunt.


Lawmakers are planning on attaching legislation to protect Mueller to a high-priority spending bill in order to get Trump’s judicial nominees installed.


Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX) said Tuesday on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show that the Senate could vote on a spending bill with legislation attached to protect Mueller.


McConnell is digging in his heels just like he did a few weeks ago when he stated he would not support a bill to protect Mueller.


The Kentucky Senator told reporters on Tuesday he would likely reject legislation to protect Mueller.


The potential logjam of Trump’s judicial nominees is all because of the RINO of all RINOs Jeff Flake.


A couple weeks ago, outgoing Arizona Senator Jeff Flake vowed to withhold his vote for any judicial nominees until legislation protecting dirty cop Robert Mueller is brought for a vote.


“I have informed the Majority Leader that I will not vote to advance any of the 21 judicial nominees pending in the Judiciary Committee or vote to confirm the 32 judges awaiting confirmation on the Senate floor until S.2644 is brought to the full Senate for a vote,” Flake said.


Lawmakers care more about ‘protecting Mueller’ than protecting the southern border.


House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who supports funding for President Trump’s wall said Tuesday, “I didn’t know Robert Mueller needed protection. Our southern border needs protection.”