>>4053621. LB. Old Testament Bible was fabricated by the the same people who own the media today.
Why is this more believable than other versions of the Old Testament?
>>4053621. LB. Old Testament Bible was fabricated by the the same people who own the media today.
Why is this more believable than other versions of the Old Testament?
Freckles - Natasha Bedingfield · 10 years ago
(Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum)
I used to care so much about what others think about
I almost didn't have a thought of my own
The slightest remark would make me embark on the journey
Of self-doubt, but that was a while ago
This girl has got stronger, and if I knew then what I know now
I would've told myself don't worry any longer, it's ok
'Cause a face without freckles is like the sky without the stars
Why waste a second, not loving who you are?
Those little imperfections make you beautiful, lovable, valuable
They show your personality, inside your heart
Reflecting who you are
I was listening to Pamphlet when he was setting up his operation. Corsi was the only guest and highly revered. Several times Corsi made a point to tell the audience:
When Trump started his run, Corsi went into his penthouse offices to 'offer help'. When he arrived he was surprised how disorganized the campaign headquarters were.
Several times he talked of the disorganization making Trump look foolish to others.
Makes me wonder if he might have left a few bugs around the disorganized office and he was bragging to the Mossad friends, who were likely also listening.
You are wrong about me. I am no shill shit.
Who wrote this? Last bread
▶Anonymous 11/27/18 (Tue) 19:57:10 fb6708 (6) No.4053621
2 of 2
The scribes of Judah invented an imaginary glorious past for themselves in which their great hero Joshua crushed the armies of the goyim and exterminated their civilian populations. But the powers, peoples and places described in the Biblical narrative make no sense in the context of the time in which the events described would have to have occurred, circa 1500-1300 BC. They make perfect sense, however, in relation to the 7th century BC. This was almost certainly the time at which the core texts of the Old Testament were compiled and written, during the reign of the Jewish king Josiah (the similarity of his name to that of the “hero” Joshua is unlikely to be coincidental.) Just as, say, the film “300”, although depicting a struggle between the ancient Greeks and Persians, resonated with the then contemporary “War on Terror”, so the Biblical stories described conflicts that had supposedly occurred many centuries earlier but in fact reflected the challenges and antagonists faced by Judah in the 7th century B.C. The key difference, of course, was that “300” was recounting a real historical episode, while the Joshua stories were completely made up.
The plans of the Judeans did not quite reach their intended fruition. Not long after Israel’s destruction by the Assyrians, Assyria itself was destroyed by Babylon which also then attacked Judah, carting off its elites for a period of temporary exile lasting about 50 years. During this period of Babylonian exile, living among foreigners, the elite Jews refined an ideology of apartheid that required them to segregate themselves, genetically and culturally, from everyone else. New Biblical propaganda was produced to support this ideology and some of the pre-existing books were edited to reflect it. This was the true origin of Jewishness as we know it today.
The entire saga – the grandiose fake history and the much shabbier real history underlying it – is an extraordinary illustration of the power of Jewish lies. Jewish scribes talked up an insignificant hamlet into a fabulous city and minor gang leaders into glorious kings. And people, even in the far corners of the earth, believed these lies for thousands of years and many still believe them today.
We see the same tendencies still at work today. Jews are busy rewriting our history to support and justify our destruction. America, the nation of “free white persons” has been reframed as a receptacle for endless diversity. European national epics, too, are being recast in ways that justify the obliteration of the actual European peoples.
For themselves, the Jews created fake history to justify their racial exclusivism. For us, they create fake history to justify our racial annihilation.
Congrats. Clintons had a forum for people like you movin on up. Contact Chelsea for more info. KEK
You are no prize. I gave her your number.