Why does Colaguard's logo purposely turn the G around to make their logo "CP" ? This is weird.
Holy shit PLANE FAG I NEED HELP NOW. Check northern arkansas, loud ass fast moving jets flying overhead
planes 7:38 pm cst, multiple moving wayy faster and lower than normal in squads, little worried
They just flew overhead and were super fucking loud and moving wayyy faster than anything I normally see
I think the plane that was being super loud was the C30J, but it was moving as fast as a fighter jet, no way it's landing in fort smith or okc
I'm in the area and shit got dramatic for a moment, people were coming outside because the squads of planes were rattling our houses. WE see drones circle walmart area at night in high volume, this is different, keeping an eye out. See something say something
I think they are in Canada right now.