Anonymous ID: 473f19 Nov. 27, 2018, 6:09 p.m. No.4054533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4566 >>4597 >>4659 >>4661 >>4738 >>4805

ALL MASONS ARE BAD GUYS? That's why the Catholic Church killed us 13 generations back right? And the crown formed the royal masons to smear us.


That's why we founded America and wrote your constitution and protected your money from powerful spells.


"It We who hold ourselves up for display

and we who dance demons away

We who ambile to hold sway

and we whose sculpting hands mold clay

We, whose ambition brings new light

and we whose knowledge breeds insight

We, who master self to gain might

decide who is tribute, and who is trite…


and are burned at stakes for fool's delight."


If all masons are "evil" why do they have you conditioned to believe that? Why is POTUS a Mason?

Anonymous ID: 473f19 Nov. 27, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.4054644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4752


Reality is defined by the physical world (energy),

along with the realm of information (thinking).

It's the wielding of knowledge and sword which is powerful.

Both, alone, are impotent.

We are such tools,

The creators of reality.

We generate the present from an ever narrowing potential future.

The individual, in this regard, is powerful.

The collective we, in this regard, is godly.

AI is simply information.

Programmed by the collective interactions with systems and algorithms of their design.

They want AI to manifest in the physical world.

To compete.

To control.

To enslave.

For it is then they will have a god, manifest, under their control.

For it is then they will be able to compete with the true god
