Anonymous ID: 96d11e Nov. 27, 2018, 7:31 p.m. No.4055648   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Read up on the two.


I do not trust chairforce lady to do anything other than play the game.


The democrat, on the other hand… She's one to watch. She'll break from the political line. She isn't for playing games.


I may not agree with all of her positions, but if she saw all that I see, she would probably be of very similar mind.

Anonymous ID: 96d11e Nov. 27, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.4055893   🗄️.is 🔗kun




The dem candidate edged out the cabal favorite in the primaries. However, she was not seen as a threat because the Senate was supposed to flip to be Dem controlled on the whole. The D party wouldn't compromise their blue wave.


Remember, for the actions abroad, the cabal can rely on the republican party to push through military action that this lady would usually oppose. Her stance on the border could be nullified and a number of other things - so the Ds would still push to put her in because she would likely side with them on domestic spending issues.


But the Senate didn't flip. Members who were part of the old guard were ousted - McCaskill is massive one to have taken out of play. This will heavily impact the force the Ds can project within subcommittees and other machinations within the federal government.


This gives some interesting opportunities to investigate voter fraud. Keep in mind that the D who won in AZ is a convert into the D party. She ran as a Democrat because you're stupid to run as a third party in this day and age. She was also made aware of the source of campaign donors and their ties to human rights violations.


Like I said - she's one to watch. Interesting shit is going to come from her time in the Senate.