Anonymous ID: 6174e5 Nov. 27, 2018, 7:58 p.m. No.4056063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6078 >>6109 >>6201 >>6225 >>6236 >>6556

>>4055717 pb

beanz was shunned here for being a fame fag

and attention whore - and also involved in some forum fuckery

not because she was a poor reporter

oh and also because she is ugly



Ok, let me respond.


Fame-fagging, attention-whore: That's usually a charge that comes from the Left, because of envy. In my book, there's nothing wrong with making a name for yourself; why the "invisible hand" works, even when people are "selfish." Part of the American tradition of tolerance.

Also, there's nothing really evil about it.


Re forum fuckery: someone said Beanz came on here drunk late at night and fucked around. I had to think about that. Questions: How did people know it was her? Did she dox herself? And even if it was, there's a lot of shit flying around here not just from shills but anons angry for whatever reason (some young, frustrated; not a big deal, really). Why a big deal from Beanz?


She has a strong personality–ditto for Loomer. People like that aren't popular, they ruffle feathers wherever they go. Doesn't make them evil, just obnoxious. And they often serve a purpose. Loomer got people focusing on Ellison–because she obnoxiously refused to let up. She was so good at it that Twitter took her down. (At least, for now.)


There are a lot of people who I follow that I don't like. There's others who are good in some areas and not so good in others (eg, David Icke).


It's not a black and white proposition. Discernment is necessary. And also to remember



Anonymous ID: 6174e5 Nov. 27, 2018, 8:19 p.m. No.4056388   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Thx, anon, I looked up the suit filed this summer from which you quote.


I don't have as much background as some, so let me get this straight (or set me straight!):


The future of the investigation–should Mueller succeed–lies in the charges he's making against Russian GRU defendants that will never appear in court who supposedly colluded with Stone and Corsi? (How will he prove that or does it matter, just so long as it prolongs the investigation?)

Anonymous ID: 6174e5 Nov. 27, 2018, 8:32 p.m. No.4056561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6700



There are two reasons I happen to care about GTFO comments that respond to posts that draw from sources people don't like.


First, when people (anons) react personally and get triggered by personalities, it can create a split that can be exploited by shills. Look at the comment just before mine with the "GTFO Shill" addressed to you. What are the chances it's a shill making a comment like that? It's a lot more effective than "Muhjoos" etc. (Maybe not a problem for you but still a potent tactic.)


Second, it limits the info we take in, when certain sources are automatically thought to be "enemies" or even "evil." Sometimes, people don't buy into q but still have decent info that anons won't look at because they see a certain name and immediately write off the info wo even looking. Not a good research strategy, IMO.