Anonymous ID: 9980d0 Nov. 27, 2018, 8:40 p.m. No.4056647   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Guy on msm just said corsi was so honest.

If people come to believe corsi, then when

corsi discredit Q they believe. Tricky tactic,

if correct. Chess move. You can't move a lie

if people don't believe. They try to move

corsi? What is our move? Move Q, but how?

Q watching, must come organically. Move Q

memes, Q proofs. The World is watching,

what to tell them? Mic is yours Anons, what

say the People? Bless the shills for making

Anons try harder. Work together, expose

dark corsi with LIGHT. WE are the voice of

the People. Who does Trump and Q listen to?