Anonymous ID: 5416c9 Nov. 27, 2018, 10:42 p.m. No.4057592   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4057477 pb


I feel like I'm exactly where I belong. There are many ways to serve, and as they say, "They also serve who only stand and wait." (I guess that's by Milton, just looked it up.)


Only it's not just waiting. A person's presence affects everything around him, especially if there's a strong sense of conviction and purpose. I can't change peoples' ideas overnight but I can make them wonder why a guy like me has such "strange" ideas.

Anonymous ID: 5416c9 Nov. 27, 2018, 10:53 p.m. No.4057654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7685 >>7770 >>7773 >>7965 >>8169 >>8194



Tucker & Sexton: “Caravan Claims Exposed!” Six false claims the MSM has made about the caravan


Tucker: “For a free society to function, the press doesn’t have to be perfect but it does have to be better than a propaganda outlet. Are they?”


Interview with Buck Sexton, Former CIA analyst. Tucker states the claims and Sexton comments.


CLAIM #1: “The Migrant Caravan is mostly women and children who pose no threat to anyone.”

Buck: Not true. “The vast majority are men in their 20s and 30s.”


CLAIM 2: “The caravan…is mostly comprised of asylum seekers.”

Buck: Not true. “This is a scam…people [on the caravan] are being coached to lie.”


CLAIM 3: “There are no criminals in this caravan.”

Buck: “There are six hundred KNOWN criminals….this was known from the beginning.”


CLAIM 4: “The caravan doesn’t matter….and it’s very far away.”

Buck: “Buses and trains exist in Mexico….with some help, they got on those buses and trains. If they were actually refuges, they should claim refugee status in the first country they arrive in where they are no under mortal threat.”


CLAIM #5: “The caravan received no external support…there is no financing here.”

Buck: “They are clearly people providing support….If journalists wanted to know this stuff…they could find out. But they don’t want to know. They just want to show women and children getting tear-gassed.”


CLAIM #6: “Deploying troops to the border was [both] wrong and unnecessary.”

Buck: “The concern was that they [the caravan] would try to overrun the border—which is exactly what they did do.”


In summary (Buck): “We’ve just had this progression of lies all along the way. And at every phase, it seems the media always gets it wrong in one direction—and that is, that we’re exaggerating this threat when in fact we’re underestimating the reality of how big this problem is going to get.”

~ 11:45

Anonymous ID: 5416c9 Nov. 27, 2018, 11:05 p.m. No.4057726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7886 >>7904



Education is a disaster; a key part of the progressive plan since before 1900, starting with Columbia School of Ed & Dewey laying the groundwork to Outcome-based Ed to Common Core. All aligned with UN plan for universal ed……


But are school shootings related to that plan? Or do they target the schools (along with hospitals and other targets that will make us crazy) to destroy the second amendment?

Anonymous ID: 5416c9 Nov. 27, 2018, 11:07 p.m. No.4057736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7795 >>7860



I'm calling you out, you shitty shill, not because you'll stop posting Ann Frank–AN INNOCENT CHILD–on this forum but so that third parties reading this will know what anons think of disgusting shills who target children, like the bloody pedophiles we fight.

Anonymous ID: 5416c9 Nov. 27, 2018, 11:37 p.m. No.4057906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7933


No question, this email is weird is oh so many ways. Here are some discussions on this tilapia email:


Focusing on this idea of some sort of tilapia museum connected with Andrews AFB (is that "Joint Base Andrews"?), there is no such thing as far as I can tell. So that part is definitely code for something else.

Anonymous ID: 5416c9 Nov. 28, 2018, 12:05 a.m. No.4058020   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I have the ebook.


There's a lot on Mike Flynn and how the DS had been watching him for several years, because they realized he was a potential threat to their plans (Loc. 192-197).


loc. 1200-1207: Discussion of Flynn's qualifications to become DJT's Nat'l Security Advisor: "Michael Flynn seemed like our guy. We never counted on the Deep State coming for ""him"" first."


Loc. 1234: "Barack Obama told Donald Trump not to hire General Michael Flynn."


Loc. 1269: "Obama probably figured that if he could convince Trump…not to hire Flynn in the first place, the chances of his [Obama's] illegal spying on American citizens ever coming to light would decrease dramatically."