Anonymous ID: 65b7e7 Nov. 27, 2018, 11:41 p.m. No.4057926   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Well, a large bit of America was duped by the bible stuff… All together, we go towards truth.

Setting aside old dogma will eventually be a part of the scheme. God Wins, and thousands of years of deception will lose.

Anonymous ID: 65b7e7 Nov. 28, 2018, 12:30 a.m. No.4058109   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8117 >>8120 >>8121


No, I agree with you. as your friend, Owl is also a totem of mine. Communicate with them when the occasion is right, and can connect fairly easily with the unseen realms that border our own material plane.



Why do humans feel the need to clothe themselves? is clothing a universal trait of "Civility"? Or is it just an egotistic trait of wealth/power? Does most cloth, especially tht of the first humans, come from animal 'hide'?

"Hide" - a blending-in with other species, flora, fauna… maybe some exo-trrestrial, if that is the case, find benefit in such things to hunt (us)…. just speculation.

Anonymous ID: 65b7e7 Nov. 28, 2018, 12:49 a.m. No.4058162   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8181


>Had never heard of owls in a negative connotation until coming here.

I forget at the moment which civ it was, greek or roman, which held Owl as a negative omen, though it persisted through the ages- even as super-stition… though, both have made their way through the annals of history depending on which understanding you're brought into- regardless, a positive understanding has mostly flooded my own experience, even with the other, negative, connotations learned much later.. Gotta have the positive and the negative to make a meaningful balance, it seems..

Anonymous ID: 65b7e7 Nov. 28, 2018, 1:33 a.m. No.4058290   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8296


Thanks for proving my point… that anon di not say not to dig on secret space progams . That anon provided USEFUL RESOURCES to dig on, unlike goode whose resources are contrived from those multiple names previously stated. glow harder, motherfucker

Anonymous ID: 65b7e7 Nov. 28, 2018, 1:44 a.m. No.4058309   🗄️.is đź”—kun


<all points of view

Okay, now tell me how these picrelated's fucks's point of view are valid.

i'll wait.

Then, I'll wait for you to tell me how Corey goode's shit, whose contrived STORIES from the same sources/names originally posted with actual research skills are more valid than goodes bluebird (psyop off of bluebook, which is a furhther obfuscation psyop of bluebook) is more useful…

moar bullshit deserves no further response. think harder, glownigger.