Anonymous ID: c8935f Nov. 28, 2018, midnight No.4058001   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump tweeted about the Mueller witch hunt and Clinton emails today. Scanning through a few hundred comments or so I saw dozens of twatter users posting the exact same thing and or similar.


"Are you Nervous"

"Somebody is nervous"

"Are you scared"

"your getting scared and nervous"


Also to add:


Did you Anons notice the NPC's are trying to push the Ivanka Trump Email Scandal…….unbelievable how tarded shills are pushing the Ivanka email narrative on Social Media when the population has just forgotten about Hillary's emails/server. They never learn and what they are essentially doing is bringing awareness to Hilda's 33,000 emails over Ivanka's 100 or so emails.


This was well played by the Trump Team and the LIBs fell for the trap big time….Bra-fucking-vo POTUS


Libs shouting for a special counsel into Ivanka's emails….HA.


But when you bring up Hillarys Emails/Russia/Uranium1 there only means to control the narrative is to correct your grammar.


Trump is playing the LIB's on the "Witch Hunt" aspect as well. There are 2 definitions of Witch Hunt.


1)This one That applies to Trump: a campaign directed against a person or group holding unorthodox or unpopular views.


2)This one that applies to Hilda: a search for and subsequent persecution of a supposed witch.


These people are stupid

Anonymous ID: c8935f Nov. 28, 2018, 12:06 a.m. No.4058025   🗄️.is 🔗kun


sounds like Zuckerjew is trying to place blame on Soros because he doesn't want to go to fuck me in the ass prison.


Fuck them both and Facecrook

Anonymous ID: c8935f Nov. 28, 2018, 12:12 a.m. No.4058047   🗄️.is 🔗kun


awan has/had the server, he swapped them out right before the Clinton crew went hammering on the devices. Q-team has the originals and the clintons bashed up different ones


Awan's father is a U.S. citizen not a Pakistani like the MSM is was projecting. So the whole narrative of Awan sending 50k to his father in Pakistan was FAKE NEWS. AWAN IMO is/was/and has been working on team trump.


Its why he was let go and then disappeared from the lime light, He has a deep-state target on his back in is in hiding.


remember the picture q-posted with a bunch of devices siting on a table. Well that photo has disappeared from the Q-drops and no-one seems to remember it.