Anonymous ID: a50aec Nov. 28, 2018, 2:22 a.m. No.4058421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8442 >>8516 >>8669 >>8674 >>8872







The Anon's Hour


Between the dark and the daylight,

When the night is beginning to lower,

Comes a pause in the day’s occupations,

That is known as the Anon's Hour.


I see on the laptop before me

The play of our POTUS’ tweets,

The “fucks” of a shill that is shilling,

And the routes of planes and fleets.


The TV is on in the background

With reporters cued to declare

Gay Tucker and doughty old Hann’ty

And Laura with golden hair.


From my study I hear from the kitchen,

The microwave humming low

The sound of the corn that is popping,

And the coffee dripping slow.


I dig and I dig ‘til I’m weary

Retrieving and saucing the facts

I hope that the info is worthy

And that it will not get the ax.


But lo! as I look to the postings

I behold such a wonderful sight

There’s a trip code that makes my heart merry

And brings me no end of delight.


Q has posted a message in greeting

O, Anons, come gather to see!

He asks us some mind-bending question

To help us know how to be free.


We strain to discern his intention

To understand what he would teach

All of us focused together

A hive mind expanding its reach.


And then, we return to our labors

Re-energized, soaring in flight

Anons united, we’ll n’er be divided

For the sake of the Patriot’s Fight.