Anonymous ID: fbaad5 Nov. 28, 2018, 2:56 a.m. No.4058495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8690 >>8907

Most don't know this but the main crop in Okinawa is Sugar Cane. In Okinawa there used to be Sugar Cane processing Plants in Southern, Middle and Northern Okinawa, 3 total. They closed 2, leaving the one in Central Okinawa as the sole processing plant for the entire Island.

Today, Denny met with Abe and it went as expected.

Neither will budge. Abe saying that the New addition to Camp Schwab, the Airstrip must be finished because it America's "Plan". I've been saying Abe is Cabal for moar than 6 months now, I used to be hopeful. Well, last night, the Sugar Cane Plant caught on fire and one whole warehouse has been destroyed. This must've been a message to Denny from Abe and the Cabal to change their tune, not so subtle. Don't forget that Denny was elected Governor after the previous Governor, Onaga suddenly died of Cancer last year.


Fire at a sugar factory in Uruma City


On the night of 27th, there was a fire burned at the warehouse at the sugar factory in Uruma. There are no injuries in this fire.


According to the police and fire department, around 11 pm on 27th, a worker's man at a sugar factory in Urumaichi Kawada got a fire from the factory, there was a message 119 saying that the fire has risen considerably. Fire was banished after about two and a half hours by the fire department rushed to the report, but the warehouse in the center of the factory was burned down. There were no injuries in this fire.


The burned warehouse is where we store the sugarcane pomace, but this time it was not being used. Police and fire fighters are planning to conduct on-site verification and to investigate detailed cause of fire.


Abe and Okinawa governor Denny Tamaki meet but neither gives an inch on U.S. base transfer

NOV 28, 2018


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki on Wednesday failed to find common ground on a controversial plan to relocate a key U.S. military base within the island prefecture.


During talks in Tokyo, Tamaki said he reiterated Okinawa’s opposition to the relocation of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma within the prefecture.


But according to the governor, Abe adhered to the government’s position on transferring the base from the crowded residential area of Ginowan to the less populated coastal district of Henoko in Nago in line with an agreement with the United States.


As a result, Okinawa is expected to file a complaint by the end of this month with a committee tasked with resolving conflicts between the central and local governments.


“We want to proceed with the current relocation work as planned. I ask for your understanding,” Tamaki quoted Abe as saying when the governor met with the press after the meeting.


Many residents in Okinawa, which hosts the bulk of U.S. military facilities in Japan, have long hoped the Futenma base would be moved out of the prefecture altogether.


Tamaki said he had urged the central government to halt the construction, “seriously taking into account the public opinion manifested in the result of the Okinawa gubernatorial election.”


Tamaki won the election on Sept. 30 on an anti-base platform, beating his main rival candidate who was backed by Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party.


Despite the expected submission of the complaint by Okinawa Prefectural Government to the dispute settlement panel, the central government is preparing to start full-fledged landfill construction by the end of the year.


Prior to the talks between Abe and Tamaki, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Kazuhiro Sugita and Deputy Okinawa Gov. Kiichiro Jahana had held a meeting in Tokyo as part of an agreement between both sides to engage in intensive negotiations through the end of November.

Anonymous ID: fbaad5 Nov. 28, 2018, 4:44 a.m. No.4058841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8907

Cardiac pacemaker 25,000 units To follow-up observation of faulty patients


"Boston Scientific Japan" (Nakano Ward, Tokyo), a leading pacemaker, said on Tuesday that a malfunction was found in cardiac pacemakers that were implanted in the body, about a total of about 25,000 units used in patients , Announced that patients' follow - up observation is necessary, reported to Tokyo Metropolitan Government. There is no need to replace equipment, it is said to modify the program.


According to manufacturers and metropolitan governments, the target is approximately 24,600 implantable pacemakers "Accorde" and "Accorde MRI" totaling approximately 300 implantable medical devices "Validu". There is a problem with the sensor which raises the heartbeat, such as when moving the body, there is a possibility that severe health damage such as fainting may occur because necessary blood is not sent. Although 2 troubles have been found in the examination so far, the health damage of the patient has not been confirmed.


According to the manufacturer, do not remove the appliances from the body, repair the program. It is said that the renovation will take place all the year, and it is said that patients need follow - up so that trouble will not occur for a while.