The gay Jew soaking in a bath tub of blood who said it was ok for grown men to buttfuck young boys? Na, he's totally not a shill.
Which part would you like me to sauce?
Bathtub of Blood?
Married to a black man?
Does Meth partying in Hwood?
24/7 for the last 3 months you've been on that copy pasta game. Brock must not pay well, when was the last time you could afford a vacation?
if you watch his podcast you can go back and see exactly when Joe became a shill. I can't even watch the guy anymore.
how is liz crokin a shill?
>Bathtub of Blood?
>Does Meth partying in Hwood?
personal experience
Milo is a degenerate that co-opted the trump/gamergate movement to make a name for himself and then put his degeneracy on display for the entire world to influence his young audience.
Common Jew tactic used on countless celebs to influence young people, especially young girls.
Miley Cyrus
Brittany Spears
Arriana Grande
Katey Perry- fun fact she used to be a gospel singer.