Anonymous ID: 26f1a9 Nov. 28, 2018, 9:29 a.m. No.4061128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1179 >>1247

Unhinged Brennan Rips Into Trump: Suggests Trump Will be Deposed – Removed by Force!


Former CIA Chief-turned-Twitter-troll John Brennan lashed out at President Trump Tuesday for defending himself against Mueller’s unconstitutional witch hunt.


President Trump attacked Mueller’s gang of angry Democrats and even brought up the DNC server which the FBI still has never forensically inspected.


“The now $30,000,000 Witch Hunt continues and they’ve got nothing but ruined lives. Where is the Server? Let these terrible people go back to the Clinton Foundation and “Justice” Department!” Trump said as part of a tweet storm.


Brennan said Mueller’s name will be revered in history while Trump’s name will be scorned.


Was the former CIA Chief foreshadowing when he compared Trump’s behavior to authoritarian leaders abroad before they were “deposed”?


“Deposed” as in removed from office suddenly and forcefully, not “deposed” as in questioned under oath.


BRENNAN: Your feelings of inferiority, insecurity, vulnerability, and culpability are loud & clear. You remind me of how many corrupt authoritarian leaders abroad behaved before they were deposed. Bob Mueller’s name will be revered in the annals of U.S. history; your name will be scorned.


John Brennan frequently lashes out at President Trump from Twitter.


In a bold move, President Trump pulled Brennan’s security clearance in August.


The president turned up the volume on Wednesday and tweeted a warning to the Deep State.


President Trump retweeted an image of top Obama administration officials behind bars–including Rosenstein and Mueller! (Too bad Brennan is missing)

Anonymous ID: 26f1a9 Nov. 28, 2018, 9:33 a.m. No.4061169   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fed Chair Powell Defend His Rate-Hike Rout Against Trump Tantrum


Having watched global capital markets collapse - and face a barrage of White House hatchet jobs - since his hawkish speech in October, Fed Chair Jerome Powell's every word is under a microscope today as he delivers a speech (and Q&A) at The Economic Club Of New York.


The topic of Powell’s speech is expected to be “The Federal Reserve’s Framework for Monitoring Financial Stability,” which follows the release of the Fed’s financial stability report released Wednesday morning.


Wednesday’s report calls out what the Fed sees as valuations in financial markets that are “generally elevated” and show investors exhibiting a “high tolerance for risk-taking, particularly with respect to assets linked to business debt.”


The report adds that, “debt owed by businesses relative to gross domestic product (GDP) is historically high, and there are signs of deteriorating credit standards.”


But, Trump and traders alike are looking to Powell’s speech to help resolve the question of whether the Federal Reserve might pause its cycle of interest-rate hikes. But, as Goldman warns, there’s a risk that they are misinterpreting markets:


“A stronger dollar, weak gold prices, and volatile risky assets look inconsistent with the idea that investors now have more dovish perceptions of the Fed,” Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Strategist Zach Pandl wrote in a note published ahead of Powell’s speech in New York.


“In recent weeks, even as nominal front-end rates have repriced, our multi-asset model has interpreted market signals as consistent with a more hawkish monetary policy outlook.”


Money-market pricing has shifted this month to reflect reduced expectations for where the fed funds rate will be next year. That move followed comments from senior Fed officials acknowledging risks to global growth, which some observers interpreted as laying the groundwork for policy makers to retreat from their tightening projections.

Anonymous ID: 26f1a9 Nov. 28, 2018, 9:35 a.m. No.4061197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1202 >>1342 >>1399

‘Kiev would get away even with eating babies’: Putin says Kerch Strait standoff is a provocation


Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said the clash between Russian and Ukrainian military ships was a result of foreign nation’s failing to hold Kiev accountable for bad behavior as long as it remains confrontational towards Russia.


The remarks were the first made by the Russian leader since the confrontation in the Kerch Strait, a narrow passageway between the Black Sea and the Azov Sea, where a strategic bridge connecting Crimea with mainland Russia is located.


“The authorities in Kiev are selling anti-Russian sentiment with quite a success today. They have nothing else to do,” Putin said during a business forum in Moscow.


The Russian president said it seemed like Kiev could get away with anything as far as foreign nations supporting Ukraine’s anti-Russian stance were concerned.


If they demand babies for breakfast, they would probably be served babies. They’d say: ‘Why not, they are hungry, what is to be done about it?’ This is such a shortsighted policy and it cannot have a good outcome. It makes the Ukrainian leadership complacent, gives them no incentive to do normal political work in their country or pursue a normal economic policy.


Putin said the incident, which ended in Russia’s seizure of three Ukrainian ships and Kiev imposing a partial martial law in the country, was a “dirty game” by Poroshenko, who needs to suppress his political opponents ahead of the March presidential election. He assured that the Ukrainian side was responsible for the escalation of tensions, since the incident was a deliberate and planned provocation by the Ukrainian Navy.


The Russian leader also defended the border guards, who stopped the Ukrainian ships from passing through the Kerch Strait, saying it was their duty as sworn service members to do so and that if they failed they could face a tribunal for defying an order.

Anonymous ID: 26f1a9 Nov. 28, 2018, 9:39 a.m. No.4061245   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘National security risks’: New Zealand blocks use of Huawei equipment for 5G network


New Zealand’s spy agency has blocked a top telecommunications firm from using Huawei equipment for its 5G mobile network. The reason? Fears over national security.


Spark, New Zealand’s largest telecom company, said government officials told the firm on Wednesday that using Huawei’s 5G equipment “would, if implemented, raise significant national security risks.”


The blow to Huawei’s plan for worldwide expansion was confirmed by the director general for New Zealand’s spy agency, the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB), Andrew Hampton, who said: “I have informed Spark that a significant network security risk was identified.”


Spark had intended to use Huawei equipment to build its planned 5G network. The Chinese company is the world’s largest supplier of telecommunications equipment and one of the few, alongside Sweden’s Ericsson and Finland-based Nokia, capable of manufacturing equipment for global 5G networks.


Huawei said on Wednesday that they were “looking into the situation” and promised to “actively address any concerns and work together to find a way forward.”


Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang expressed “serious concern” over the decision and said China-New Zealand business ties were mutually beneficial.


“We hope the New Zealand government provides a fair competition environment for Chinese companies operating in New Zealand, and does more to benefit bilateral mutual trust and cooperation,” said Shuang in news briefing in Beijing.


The development comes days after Washington’s mission to discourage its allies from using Huawei’s equipment was revealed by the Wall Street Journal. The reports said Washington had “initiated an extraordinary outreach campaign” to halt Huawei’s worldwide expansion by pressing its European and Asian allies to shun the company.

Anonymous ID: 26f1a9 Nov. 28, 2018, 9:42 a.m. No.4061276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1294

Drag queen story hours for children designed to ‘groom the next generation,’ one drag queen admits


Amid the spread of controversial drag queen story hours at public libraries — during which performers in full makeup and glitter read to children and toddlers — one drag queen admitted that the events are meant to “groom the next generation.”


Dylan Pontiff — who helped organize a story hour for kids as young as age 3 at a Louisiana public library originally scheduled in October — is shown in a video telling the Lafayette City-Parish Council at a Sept. 17 meeting what’s behind the “very beautiful” event.


“This is gonna be the grooming of the next generation,” Pontiff said. “We are trying to groom the next generation” to be accepting of LGBT values. Pontiff was dressed in street clothes for the meeting but goes by Santana Pilar Andrews when he’s onstage, LifeSite reported.


What else did Pontiff say?


Pontiff, who said he’s been bullied most of his life for being gay, blasted those opposed to the drag queen story hour — even those gathered at the council meeting.


“Apparently to a lot of people in this room I’m the big boogeyman,” he said, “and as you can see I’m probably the most unintimidating person you’ve ever seen in your entire life.”


Pontiff denied charges that drag queen story hours are overly sexual and said he can alter content to make it appropriate for children.


“I can go in and entertain adults in a club and also entertain a group of students and young children,” he said. “I’m able to do that because I’m an adult and able to filter myself.”


He also ripped “some of the looks I’ve received here tonight” and called out grumblings by those seated behind him as “disgusting.”


“We are trying to teach people to be tolerable [sic], to be patient, to be loving,” Pontiff said, “and the fact of the matter is that I’m standing right here and there’s probably 50 people behind me, looking at me with daggers wishing that I would probably die in a car wreck whenever I leave here is truly implorable [sic].”


He said the point of the drag queen story hours is to “raise people to be loving and caring individuals … not only just the children at this event but children in the future.”


What’s been happening with the Lafayette drag queen story hour?


The Lafayette event — originally scheduled in October at the library’s main branch downtown — has been postponed, with no new date announced, according to the Daily Advertiser.


The paper added that the event was moved to a larger space at South Louisiana Community College, but the school backed out two days beforehand over security and logistical



Anonymous ID: 26f1a9 Nov. 28, 2018, 9:46 a.m. No.4061309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1323 >>1342 >>1399

Trump says that he’s willing to shut down the government if he doesn’t get $5 billion for a wall


President Donald Trump has said that he would be willing to shut down the U.S. government if he doesn’t get $5 billion for a border wall.

Why is Trump adamant about border security?


“I don’t do anything … just for political gain,” Trump told Politico on Wednesday, referring to his push for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. “But I will tell you, politically speaking, that issue is a total winner. People look at the border, they look at the rush to the police, they look at the rock throwers and really hurting three people, three very brave Border Patrol folks — I think that it’s a tremendous issue, but much more importantly, is really needed. So we have to have border security.”


Trump said he was “firm” on getting $5 billion for the wall.


On Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told reporters that Democrats were willing to approve $1.6 billion in wall funding. However, he refused to say whether Democrats would be willing to negotiate on that point.


Congress needs to pass seven appropriations bills by Friday to avoid a government shutdown. Although they lost control of the House of Representatives on Nov. 6, Republicans still control both houses of Congress until the end of this session. However, even with a GOP majority, Democratic votes will be necessary for any spending deal to pass the Senate.


If a deal isn’t reached, funding for the Department of Homeland Security will run out Dec. 7. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement falls under the umbrella of DHS.


In March, Trump signed a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill, averting another government shutdown. This included $641 million for a 33-mile stretch of border fence. As increased government spending drives the federal budget deficit to its highest level since 2012, Trump asked members of his Cabinet to figure out ways to cut 5 percent from their respective budgets for the 2020 fiscal year.

What are voters saying?


According to a Morning Consult/Politico poll taken Nov. 15-18, 55 percent of voters said that funding a border wall was not worth shutting down the government. This included 34 percent of respondents who identified as Republicans, and 61 percent who identified as Independents.