Anonymous ID: 29433f Nov. 28, 2018, 9:07 a.m. No.4060902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0944 >>0948 >>1052 >>1338 >>1407

Did some digging on Lilith.


In Isaiah 34:13 it says,

13 And thorns <05518shall come up <05927> (08804) in her palaces <0759>, nettles <07057> and brambles <02336> in the fortresses <04013> thereof: and it shall be an habitation <05116> of dragons <08577>, and a court <02681> for owls <01323> <03284>. (Isa. 34:13 KJV)


The last line, "…and a court for owls." uses two words, "bath" and "ya 'anah" which literally translates as "daughters of the owl."


Then, in Isaiah 34:14 it says,

14 The wild beasts of the desert <06728shall also meet <06298> (08804) with the wild beasts of the island <0338>, and the satyr <08163> shall cry <07121> (08799) to his fellow <07453>; the screech owl <03917> also shall rest <07280> (08689) there, and find <04672> (08804) for herself a place of rest <04494>. (Isa. 34:14 KJV)


The word used for screech owl is, "liyliyth," or lilith. 03917 לִילִית liyliyth {lee-leeth'}

Meaning: 1) "Lilith", name of a female goddess known as a night demon who haunts the desolate places of Edom 1a) might be a nocturnal animal that inhabits desolate places.


Now in ancient times, many cults or religions priestesses were prostitutes, whores, harlots. I suspect that since owls are nocturnal, and that many ancient religions used whores as their priestesses, that the owl became the symbol for religious whore houses that the elite used for their own purposes. What is the oldest profession in the world?


Lilith is also symbolic of women who reject their place in Gods natural order of things, i.e. being subservient to man. What most people don't seem to understand is that it doesn't mean she's his slave, only that she answers to husband and her husband answers to God. For anyone who's been in the military, you understand the chain of command. In the bible the harlot also represents false religions because the Jews were married so to speak to God and He was their husband, but because they refused to obey Him and decided to instead adopt many of the false religions from the people around them, like the Baal worshipers, they basically divorced themselves from God and became whores who went with anyone who had the money.


So the whole owl thing I believe has a twofold meaning. One is that it is a symbol of organized prostitution on the fleshy mortal side, and two, it is a symbol for religious prostitution when people divorce themselves from God and follow after the occult/satanism/spiritualism etc.


True are the words that there is nothing new under the sun.

Anonymous ID: 29433f Nov. 28, 2018, 9:11 a.m. No.4060944   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh, and one other thing. I can't think of a better name for the screeching leftist women than a screech owl. That's exactly what they are. Liliths.

Anonymous ID: 29433f Nov. 28, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.4061079   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kinda makes sense when you realize how many of these witch covens are mainly comprised of lesbo feminazis. It's all about women and their, "empowerment."

Anonymous ID: 29433f Nov. 28, 2018, 9:50 a.m. No.4061349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1363


It would be interesting to find out who owns those 13 venues. Think about it. They get paid whether anyone shows up or not right? How much and where did the money come from? Can you say, "laundering?"