msm is trying to blame social media for
the trouble we see.
Is it really fakenews that divides us?
What is their greatest weapon?
Overcome fakenews, win the game, but how?
Work together, PRAY, dig, meme, share.
msm is trying to blame social media for
the trouble we see.
Is it really fakenews that divides us?
What is their greatest weapon?
Overcome fakenews, win the game, but how?
Work together, PRAY, dig, meme, share.
Carpet bomb them with truth, all day, every day.
_ on MOAB duty. In the end, before the win,
will fakenews be more or less fake?
If they show epstein, let them also see our
memes of epstein. Then let them choose.
Meme cannons at the ready. Load the one
with bill's name on a flight list.
corsi on tucker. Wikileaks, Assange, getting
closer msm. However, more likely they are
trying to form a narrative. corsi says no Q?
idk if corsi says that, I don't watch. Who is
corsi connected to? inforwars, alex jones?
Who to trust, short list, then discipline.
In Jason Borne movie, which character says
'put her in a box'?
Do you think msm suppresses news about
human traffickers caught? Is it similar to
hit pieces on QAnons?
In the Jason Borne movie, where can D5 be
found? hint: secret code book. What does
Jason learn from it? hint: BER
Already dropped the hammer, job done?
How much did Sessions get done these past
Is a mystery, cannot know. Would He want
you to worry your whole Life? What would
He want for you? Who must go to find it?
What will guide you? Faith. What will help
you? PRAY. In the mean time, if we lay
down, we deserve our fate. But if we
fight for GOOD and lose, then we did not
deserve such fate and Justice will seek.
What if we fight for GOOD and win?