From what i read it sounded like the attack on MBS related to the ipo was about delaying it and thus costing the kingdom money. Which really seems preposterous when they're the biggest oil player on earth. It's like you describe it. Everybody wants that IPO.
And if that ZH ticker about Putin saying he was happy to deal with Trump and MBS and target $65/barrel (think that's what it said) is true, i think everything's gonna be fine. Like, crazy fine.
At $50 the rest of opec and Russia are prob kinda pissed at MBS. And it's pretty much his call. So if he makes a deal with Trump and Putin and it's reasonable and it makes opec happier than they were, i almost want to say Trump/Putin just usurped basically all of OPECs power as long as they can stay buddies with SA. That's a totally separate cabal neutered. Or a trade deal renegotiated in our and the whole world's favor.
This is a very bad direction for Iran and the rest of opec. It doesn't necessarily mean they get couped, it kinda means they just stop being relevant and there's not a lot they can do about it.
And like QT Sibel is saying, this seems to be all wrapped up around some shady Kashoggi spy op. The drama that had Tulsi calling Trump a bitch is now looking like it's pushing towards what could be one of his greatest accomplishments.
It's pretty fucked up. It's pretty incredible.