Don't mind me, just catching up on notables.
>Popcorn placed in Red Cross Bags by Flotus !!!!
Next time make it even more obvious, please, and use Hotpockets and tendies.
>Jack Dorsey Sells 103,035 Shares of Square, Inc. (SQ) Stock
>Square owns CashApp
>CashApp is used exclusively for online "sexwork" transactions.
I told you fags yesterday: #ThotAudit is crashing everything related to the "online sexwork industry" (with no survivors).
Watch Venmo (owned by PayPal) to be next.
>3 million ton
>s/b 3 million-ton (missing hyphen)
<uses hyphen here in same situation
>although it should be well-paying
>instead of good-paying
Does a missing - indicate a missing letter? Steel(e)?
Why "well" into "good"?
Is POTUS just not a grammar Nazi, or are these mistakes intentional?
I still maintain deltas to the second are unintentional, too difficult to hit, and were never confirmed.