You know what the FEtard slide says about the state of pademonium in the shill room?
>"They want you divided"โ do "anons" still PUSH words like 'nigger', in spite of our mission to undivide?
I'm going to tell you exactly why that happens here.
Because you're a fucking shill, and well fuck, might as well just say it, so the fresh newbies can understand exactly what is taking place, and has always taken lace, on /pol/:
The reason things are ''purposely'' politically incorrect here, is to scare away the weak minded trash that dilutes the stream here.
''And you know it, because you also want to dilute the stream here.''
Go back to fucking clown school,''CLOWN ''NIGGER.
You know it. Since February 21, 1871.
The IRS and Federal reserve Acts of 1913 were the other bookend to that swindle.
Every citizen in the USA is legally a slave.
>But its so hard to claim to be a group
Everyone is an individual anon here.
The gold star research rises to the top through the merit of the information provided by those smart individuals you so brazenly aim your traducements at, not the membership to any group, you backwards thinking clown nig ;)
guess you never read Art of War
Guess you never saw movies like Goodfellas either.
Your loss.
By the way you spew shit it seems you understand neither english or sarcasm, so whatevs.
It's your job, fucking at least do it believably, asshole.