Security increase to POTUS, are a good sign something may be happening.
Chemtrails are a conspiracy theory on par with flat earth. Prove me wrong (using facts only).
Pro tip: you can’t
It’s a hologram screen like they used when they did the 2pac hologram. They project a 3D image onto it.
No, but i was born in 86.
This has already been debunked by Snopes.
Schiff is very “disappointed” in Mueller. What do all the people (sans Flynn) that Mueller charged have in common?
It’s happening!!!!!
That’s already been debunked as well…by Snopes.
How new are you? You don’t throw out massive leverage for no reason. You hold onto it, till you need it. Try lurking moar, and welcome newfriend.
POTUS leaving the country this [Friday] to attend the G20 summit [Abroad and aboard AF1] and will meet with [Putin] and will be sending a [special message via twitter].
G-g-guise? Is it finally happening?
Should I grab the popcorn because this weekends set to deliver on that MAGA promise?
Wow, first time I’ve ever agreed with him. Palestine needs to be given back to its people the apartheid ethnostate occupation has gone on too long.
11.11 it’s over
Zuckerberg stepping down
Are you ready to see arrests?
>taking Q posts literally
This has to be your first day on QResearch.
Your missing one. Very telling.