Anonymous ID: 5aada4 Nov. 28, 2018, 4:34 p.m. No.4065332   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just a thought, fren.

They know the military is coming for them.

They've known without doubt for over a year now.

They have their "final" resolution. I'm sure they have a few.

For those arrests to be doable without turning large swathes of the world into a radioactive backhole, the cabal's tools/people need to be dismantled.

Q makes "predictions", makes them panic, makes them play a card. Q team et al. counter; cabal card neutralized. (Think no more NK nuclear wild card/no more children to pay people with–the arrests etc.)

Rinse, repeat this little card game until the evil dicks have used and lost SO many cards/assets, arrests can finally be made with minimal damage worldwide because they (cabal) have almost nothing left as leverage, whether that's weapons, scandals, whatever.

They know that Q is just one tweet away from Trump and it's ALL proven authentic to the world without doubt and their whole shit show goes up in flames.

So they play along: attempting multiple games of bluffing, deceiving, trying to foil Q cards etc. hoping they can hold out/enact a plan that will enable them to one day have control again without breaking the WW lie and continue to lull most back to sleep.

No explanation. No reasoning to the world on why they kill children, just, "Thank God those last 4 years of Trump are over." and everyone (normies) will follow.

Basically, I'm sure when Trump speaks of "holding this over them", it's to keep certain aspects of their hand in line.

If Trump releases the FISA, that is MI's "it's on" button, and the cabal would likely fire theirs, if you follow? And same, cabal know if they successfully nuked a city, it would be balls out arrests/offensive from the military.

Neither side necessarily wants the other to cross that red line…just yet. Each is constantly attempting to whittle down the final offensive of the other.

But, of course, don't forget, we're winning. Kek.

I do understand your concernfagging, anon; it's reasonable, but we're only in the know of 5% of shit that's actually going down.

If you/we trust Q/Trump/The Plan, there's no need to fret over this. It's just the way it has to be for the moment. For humanity.

Inb4 somuchtext.gif