But, unfortunately, tomorrow is "Americans won't do shit, as usual, Thursday".
Jews = Anti-Semites
Just ask them how much they hate Arabs! (Or so they want us to think).
Define "Irony"
A bunch of Jewish-terrorists, actively lie and deceive the world in an effort to subject their fellow man and give unfair advantage to themselves, resulting in them being kicked out of 110 nations over many years. So they form an ethnographic-state, requiring DNA-testing for citizenship and discriminate against their neighbors with extreme prejudice… Yet believe THEY are "chosen by God".
You can't make this shit up… Next we're going to define, "Jew-Delusion".
"Don't look at any posts that are negative toward Jews and Israel. Thanks." - JIDF and our friends @ Mossad
Paul "Oh look, I just found out I'm Jewish, Cohen-cidentally after fucking over my constituency" Ryan
ALL JEWS MUST DIE… except for those few "good ones" we keep hearing about, who exist, but no one has seen yet.
Cuomo… Just look at that fucking Jew-Mongrel… He doesn't even look like a human-being. Fucking neanderthal-looking motherfucker.
Hey, do we have any Italians here?
Why don't you half-negro, grease-balls take your Jew-counterparts back to Italy/Israel with your arrogant, supremacist, faggot, wap-asses?
Yeah, I said it.
Are there any Italians, who aren't Jewish?
If I were Putin, I would annihilated Israel, Ukraine and SA, all at once. And be done with these shit-bags once and for all.
Can anyone seriously deny that Israel/SA (Fucking Semites) are causing ALL of the world's major-problems and wars??? Please…