Diversity Kills Kids
And still nobody asking why the fucking C_A is making press releases about national security issues. Ponderous.
Phone books, few feet of water, both work well.
The number of communists infiltrating the US at all levels was magnitudes of orders greater than McCarthy stated as the plain truth, and those two executed traitors? Were executed as traitors.
When bump stocks are banned, people will start hitting targets better.
Without reason, rhyme or measure, I believe Koala is JA.
He'll always be the 400 lbs. guy in the basement with a computer.
That's hilarious!
That joke clock the one Anon made with all sorts of red and green arrows pointing every which way is pretty much my level of understanding the clock Anons.
Ban Assault Shorts.
One word for you: Mossberg.
Kind of weird how long it took a country that was invaded, half taken, held by a foreign power, and never released, to realize that they were indeed at war with said invader.
Pooh's bastard child?
Like most satanic secret societies, the new initiates are oblivious to what the people at the top are actually doing.
These days, international banking is that way.