I REALLY wish I could punch FFFFFKN Flake's nose straight! He deserves a cell at GITMO with big bubba!
BTW, Anons don't forget that tomorrow is Throat Punch Thursday! Make sure to list those you wish to throat 🤛 ! Kek!
I REALLY wish I could punch FFFFFKN Flake's nose straight! He deserves a cell at GITMO with big bubba!
BTW, Anons don't forget that tomorrow is Throat Punch Thursday! Make sure to list those you wish to throat 🤛 ! Kek!
Post of reason why I want to Throat Punch (& nose punch) Ffffflake! I wish to the good lord that WE THE PEOPLE actually knew the TRUTH of why these congressmen have stepped down, retired, & decided not to run anymore. What is the TRUTH?!!
What is Justice? I don't understand what that word means! I haven't seen it manifest itself in my whole 40 yrs!
I pray to God we actually do get to see Justice! I pray to God that POTUS stops just holding the FISA Declassification over the Dems heads to get them to "play ball" & actually do what is RIGHT & give the TRUTH to WE THE PEOPLE!