Are You Ready For The Hidden Truth?
Are you ready for the truth? The truth is a puzzle.
How do you solve a puzzle?
One Piece At A Time.
You cannot see the overall truth of a picture if you
do not have enough pieces.
As we move forward with thread please understand that each post is not
the truth in it of itself. Each post is a piece of the truth.
You must add them add them up, research and verify and then… and only then will
you come know the truth.
The matrix cannot be told to you. It must be shown to you… ONE PIECE A TIME.
Are you ready?
Puzzle Piece Number One
How far can you see?
What if I told you that the establishment has been
lying to you all of your life.
How do you know space is real?
Because they told you.
How do you know the world is round?
Because they told you.
Ever want to want to find yourself in alice and wonderland?
Well congratulations… your there.
Puzzle Piece Number Two
The Moon
Puzzle Piec Number Three
The Bible. The word of God verses the word of NASA and fake cgi pictures.
Puzzle Piece Number Five
The book of enoch.
Who was enoch?
Why was book of enoch quoted in the new testamment?
Why did catholic church remove book of enoch?
Why did they really remove it?
Novus Ordo Seclorum?
Puzzle Piece Number Six
The north star.
The panets.
Why do satanists worship planets like saturn?
What are planets really?
Why do they look like stars from earth?