"Mattis: Russia cannot be counted on to keep its word"
THIS IS OUR 'FEARLESS' GENERAL??? Another fucking Israel-cuck?
Should have known… Grown man, yet never even had a girlfriend. Pedo-faggot, Mattis. What has he done, again?
"Mattis: Russia cannot be counted on to keep its word"
THIS IS OUR 'FEARLESS' GENERAL??? Another fucking Israel-cuck?
Should have known… Grown man, yet never even had a girlfriend. Pedo-faggot, Mattis. What has he done, again?
Oh yeah… I keep hearing about how bad-ass this guy is. He can't seem to defeat our enemies though. Must suck to be such a badass and NEVER be able to prove it to anyone.
Also, wipe your chin. Mattis' balls left residue on it.
No… I want people to DO THEIR GODDAMN JOBS… Not make excuses, while telling me about how well they COULD do their jobs and NEVER actually doing it.
Hold your fucking elected officials and their appointments accountable, you fucking lemming faggot. GROW A PAIR.
Yeah… meanwhile my child is being abused/molested and courts, cops, and FBI won't do a fucking thing about it, because Jews. But he did wonders for Syria… LISTEN TO YOURSELF, YOU FUCKING LOSER!
Anyone could have decimated ISIS with our military, you retard. No one gave us the green-light to do previously. And Mattis didn't provide that light.
Suck more dick, lemming.
Americans are under attack and our politicians and military are LOOKING THE OTHER WAY. The (((terrorists))) are already here. And NO ONE CARES, because they have lots of money.
James Alefantis… ' innocent' Pizza Shop owner… Named D.C.'s top 50 most powerful people.
Nothing to see here….