The purpose of which Christ Templars endured crucifixion and persecution was to ensure the future Aeonic Pair of Christos and Sophianic consciousness would be able to reunite again and complete the alchemy required through Hierogamic union during the Ascension Cycle. Thus, through the wedded garment of God being embodied through the trinity of sacred marriage, this perfect male and female balance embodied is the key to restoring Christos is Hieros Gamos. This is the restoration which reclaims the earthly kingdoms back into alignment with the Natural Laws of God, the Law of One.
One is not invited into the House of God, one cannot use force into the House of God, and one cannot see the House of God, without having absolute embodied devotion to Christos-Sophia, the female principle as an aspect of the Trinity of God. To enter the House of God, utter and total devotion to all trinity of God aspects must be present, or the architecture will be invisible. The False Gods have replicated the architecture to be made in physical representation on earth to be controlled by the False King of Tyranny. This is the original agenda in the organization of the Vatican/Papacy, the Roman Catholic Church.,_Christos_Templars