I’ve been looking into one of Q's assignments, to find out who were the 3 scientists killed who worked on satellite to end user cell phones.
I started by considering that it might have something to do with patents and owning the technology, getting rid of rivals, and so on. Nothing really turned up there.
Satellite technology has been around for a while, so finding the timeline of the killings could go back into the 60’s with the launch of Telstar, Bell Labs, and NASA. Didn’t find any Bell scientists who suffered an untimely death.
There seems to have been some overlap in cell phone technology and satellite phone technology development. Several companies were involved in satellite communications including INMARSAT, Globalstar, Iridium. Iridium's research was done by Motorola.
Martin Cooper, "the father of the cell phone,” worked for Motorola and was also closely connected to Iridium. His net worth is estimated to be $100 million, due to patents he holds. https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Cooper_(inventor)#Motorola https:// networthpost.com/martin-cooper-net-worth/
So there is a connection between cell phone and satellite phone technology.
Didn’t find anything obviously suspicious in looking at Motorola scientists, etc. Also didn’t see any obvious link to any of the scientists on the Malaysian flight that crashed.
One possibility to consider: Project Camelot. 22 scientists died mysteriously while working for Marconi in Britain doing work for the SDI Star Wars project (1980’s). Project was part of the Dept. of Defense.
Some of these scientists were involved in digital and satellite communications, so it’s possible that 3 of them could be the ones Q referred to.
http:// projectcamelot.org/marconi.html
It seems to me that since Q’s response came in the context of the school shooting/MK Ultra comment, the CIA would be a prime candidate for whodunit. I didn’t find anything with a quick search of Wikileaks but not sure if something like that would be put in writing.
A wild shot—I came across the name of a scientist who died recently, not too old, and appears to have worked in some sort of intelligence area.
Dr. James Herbert Horne worked at SAIC which is involved in military intelligence. Had patents in system and method for multiclass discrimination of neural response data, Degree in physics.
http:// www. legacy.com/obituaries/dailycamera/obituary.aspx?pid=160378580
Coincidentally, and this would be a topic for the dead doctors Q posts, I noticed many websites coming up with lists of dead scientists. Over 120 of them on some lists. Many of them were active in areas of medical/biological research.
Here is a sample link but there are many more.
http:// rense.com/general39/death.htm