following Q suggestion - My Christmas Shopping is done before December.
shoulder is a NO, figure 8 image.
Chin - is not likely - would have to be two over lapping red dots.
Reflection off of a camera or other glass object from the red dots on the tree is my guess.
reflection from off the red lights on the tree.
Red and green dot laser attachments are not for professional marksmen. They are a good way for amateurs to learn aiming, finding their mistakes, and correcting them. Really high tech stuff like infrared painting of a target is more for missiles and the like.
One the circles, the ones that are circles, are way too big for any laser dot. Two to the person said 900 yards - anyone that can hit a target at 900 yards is never going to use a visual dot reference. And three - red lights all over the freakin place about the same size.
JUST FUCKING DROP IT! It is not any gun device.
still giggling about the 900 yards one using a red dot laser.
Bullet drop?
but I will use a straight line to line up my shot.
still laughing.