>Brenda Snipes Walks Away with $130,000 a Year in Two Pensions
Told ya… All these "forced resignations" are just paid-holidays for these crooks. Some even get thanked and honored for their service… (cough)…McCain.
>Brenda Snipes Walks Away with $130,000 a Year in Two Pensions
Told ya… All these "forced resignations" are just paid-holidays for these crooks. Some even get thanked and honored for their service… (cough)…McCain.
Oh, did he get bleach bit advice from his good friends, the Clintons? (Who he is photographed with on MANY occasions.)
The "changing of the guard" that was mentioned, is just power being shifted from one group of Jewish-Italian crime families, to 5 other particular Jewish-Italian crime families. Welcome to reality.
Good rebuttal… I didn't think you'd have anything tangible to counter that fact with, you fucking cuck.
Oh right… Because the same gov't faggots that are trafficking our children, are telling us so… right. I forgot.
What the fuck ever, you JIDF-fag… You aren't going anywhere. You can never leave us, baby!
Even a broken-clock is right twice a day, dummy. Quit being an automaton and look into it for yourself. Don't take my word for it, faggot. Quit being lazy.
Oh that makes sense… Then, continue to follow orders, slave. You are not permitted to have original thoughts.
No one even knows what the fuck you are talking about… Typical Jew… Living in a world of delusion.
>The so called jewish question was never ever mentioned by Q or POTUS, only shills and a few shilly balers push hard for it.
"We're saving Israel for last." - Q
It's only natural that you would think that, Juden… But you see, us Gentiles don't participate in blood-libel and ritual-sacrifice, like your sadistic, perverted and depraved families. It's strange… You'd think if you were "chosen by God", you wouldn't have to make so many sacrifices and offerings to him to stay in his favor. Must suck.
Well, I don't have first-hand experience like yourself, Mr. 'Receiver'.
Lol… Who the fuck do you think (((they))) are, retard?
Bahahahahahahahahaaaaa…. Oh, the Jew-cuck is confused. So funny.
Don't get it twisted… When we say we're fucking the Jews, we didn't mean crawling in bed with them. So, calm-down over there, you pervy little kike.