>>4066902 lb, >>4066948 lb, >>4067114 lb, >>4066906 lb
Thanks guys. Glad AB was here to take it, computer gremlins grabbed me by the nads again (!!*^%$!!) Am continuing to try to fix, working on it now (ty to anon on uninstaller tip).
In the way of parallel worlds, Stroppy Me (of recent Q drop) has also had computer trouble recently due to fuggery downstream of an update, kek. Wish you anons had more computer-savvy helpers than some of us bumblers, but grassroots is catch as catch can. Being that we have the most important quality of patriots–that we refuse to give up–we'll get there one way or another. All (((they))) accomplish by fucking with us is to make us that much more determined. (One of the many ways these ppl are stupid).
I don't have a workfag gig tomorrow yet. Will bake some if I'm around/able.