perhaps in addition to waiting for the dough, another courtesy could be slowing down shitposting when we're getting close to 751 so that baker can post fresh bread link in time? just a thought
you know Q warned us that people would run for president 2020 to avoid arrests
that makes me think this is going to take another 2 years
do you even ever ever even even schooool bro??
hello jerome
is the american high school a natural environment?
MOM you said you'd stop posting on 8ch
so what you're saying is "autist" means "self-important, self-delusional prick"?
high thought
isn't the library of congress saving every tweet created?
what is it doing with all of that data?
seems like it would be an excellent way to build some kind of web of consciousness hive mind type thing
similar to clif high's web bot? what if Q is using something like that to "predict" events and time things perfectly?