kek, looks like (((someone))) got triggered by our push-back against their "keep 'em stupid" plans huh? Wew.
>>4068731 lb
Hey thanks anon.
>INTJs rock too.
Indeed, meant to type that akshually, but have been administering the test recently and have P's on the brain (am INTJ myself).
The demonization of high IQ's in modern society is real. I was in a graduate class a decade ago where the presenter went on a 20 min. tirade on the uselessness of "GATE kids" (the gifted-and-talented ed program of the 70s/80s). First he asked us to raise hands if we'd been in the program, then went on to say people like us were so psychologically fragile and entitled as to be mentally disabled, and that rather than be "coddled" we should be "removed from the gene pool" as defects. It was vicious. That kind of indoctrination is deeply enmeshed in normie thought. Communism in Russia, China etc. murdered their intellectual class outright, here in the West it's been a more subtle weeding out, a kind of character assassination/ostracization (on top of the wars which have sent our best/bravest to be slaughtered). I've noticed that there is much more resistance even here to the IQ-Q than to the JQ, which is the opposite of what I expected. I suspect there is an aspect of this same suspicion/envy in the left's hate of POTUS too. When I talk to norms that are coming around on him, they say the one sticking point is his "arrogance." But he's really just being honest and confident. An arrogant man doesn't hang with, or dedicate his life to fighting for, the everyday working man like he does. It's the left's virtue-signalling over their perceived moral superiority that's the definition of arrogant.
This is a pretty decent article on the misperceptions of high IQ as relates to career success (I've seen better but can't find 'em):
The "exclusion" of the very high IQ is part of why the U.S. stopped being competitive in innovation. PC culture values conformity, but true competition values outliers. It's the far edge of the bell curve that invents shit out of thin air–your Telsas, Turings, and Edisons. Any company interested in novel research values the very high IQ like gold, and gives them as wide a berth as they need. All people can imitate, smart people can imitate well. But only very smart people can create. Put another way, another reason the left can't meme is all the smart kids be over here, kek.