Anonymous ID: abad60 Nov. 29, 2018, 7:27 a.m. No.4072809   🗄️.is 🔗kun






















>can't into redtext

>the Cabal

>obnoxious self-bumping

It would've taken fewer posts to say what Rockefeller's "enlightened paternalism" and CIAniggers HAVEN'T infiltrated.

You need to either go back >>>/qresearch/ or lurk 5 years before making an OP ever again.

Consider a tl;dr, a plan of action, a more narrow focus, some infographs, or a summary of what anons should get out of this post besides

>baptists are bad.

>Rockefeller is huge

And when you spergpost again in 5 years set your links on a separate line ffs.