Q crumbs about forced immigration and reading the bible led me to the premise. They drink blood because it's a direct act against God. They are drinking blood to take the life force from another. Hence addiction and death if they stop. Hence blantant disregard for human life by our politicians, entertainment personalities, priests, and others in power. The structure of fiat currency as control and why (((they))) worship money.
Catholic mass is satanic. Whole bunch of people giving money to a 'priest' that changes bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus to consume?? See last pic
What if Israel is an outpost to farm blood becuase (((they))) are holding the people hostage. Politicians put in power by them to do whatever is necessary. (((They))) want control over Israel because it would have the most spiritual meaning. Forced migration = flow of bodies for ritual abuse. Would a good guy play the game to stay in control? How could you tell all this to the population and have it believed? More good than bad so when the disgust goes public, we win.
Sauce below for pics
"White bronze is a metal that serves two common purposes. It is actually not bronze, but an alloy of varying amounts of copper, tin and zinc. Now days it is commonly used in jewelry as a substitute for nickel, and was used many years ago as a material for grave markers."
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