>>4073054 lb
POTUS saying Cohen is lying to get reduced sentence for things that have nothing to do with POTUS.
go back to Jan and Katherine herridge and letter he signed.
>>4073054 lb
POTUS saying Cohen is lying to get reduced sentence for things that have nothing to do with POTUS.
go back to Jan and Katherine herridge and letter he signed.
POTUS says he will prolly meet with PUTIN.
waiting for final report on Russia ship.
Is not meeting with MBS BECAuse it wasn't set up.
Will meet with XI โฆvery important meeting.
Pardons and Manafort โฆ. very sad they way he is treated.
Had not offered any pardons
He kept Cohen on because a long time Cohen did him a favor.
Go back to written statement from January,,,,Herridge report
your 4 year old what?
i don't think they ever flipped. They always have been deep state mockingbird.
they cover the same stories as other fake news.
Q's China pic really caused some more panic in the fake news. They had to bring out Cohen, again.
Shills here are panic mode too.
Feinstein's husband is buddy buddy with that guy.
Blum fell in love with TIBETAN CHILDREN whom he met while mountain climbing in the area.
Di Fi is a big child and oragan trafficker
yes, that was my first thought.
Prison sentences for many for attempting an assassination attempt on POTUS.
That is why Q linked to a 'CHRISTMAS TREE' pic, ..because it ties into the christmas tree lighting from yesterday.
Anons suspected assassination attempt.
Q replied. 'we know"
SC reports to nobody.
They are a separate , but equal, branch of govt.
Congress can try and impeach and remove a justice, but that is all they can do,.
he said in presser that he would make a decision after he read a report on conflict.
CAstle _RED may mean that RED CHINA is in our country, courtesy of DiFi and cabal.
how many ships were there?
maybe C= China
China 'used' to have a 'chairman'.
Maybe they still do, just not publicly known.
little baby need a baba to suck on?
sure it was an assassination attempt.
Q post a Christmas pic and says "we KNow".
the location of pic just tells you who was involved
many will receive sentences in prison because our prosecutors are locked and loaded with the info about the planning of it.
She was a lowlife communist that stole the people's money