I took it as fun trolling.
Red lights on potus during WH speech, now this, tells me they stopped a murder attempt.
I have a question: The 10 days, darkness.. when?
They didn't flip. They were never on his side.
Rupert Murdoch and his kids. Dig on them. They own Fox. They are not good people.
Stop phonefagging and you'll keep up better ;)
So what good are you doing screaming like a faggot on a board where no one is going to listen to your faggotry? Go to faggots.net or wherever you go to find like minded faggots like yourself.
How can you consider me jidf and hate trump. You have no purpose here but to cause division. Filtered
No, but Potus is on his way to a different country on a plane. So it seems plausible to me.
You already look stupid by not posting what Trump HAS done for America. Instead, you want to focus on small details that ARE NOT ISRAEL FIRST. They are simply reaming an ally. But your fear mongering and division tactics aren't concerned with logic.
And you offer no proof, just opinion. No links, sauce or new items. Just the typical shill "loud and proud opinion = muh fact"
Shut me up with proof and links. Not your opinion. No one here cares what you think. Facts, not muh gut opinion and feelings"
Everything is labeled shill when you're over the target.
Q is real. The world is fake.
I said proof. Not ONE article. ONE article shuts down the entire Trump logic? GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE TOP KEK!
I'm literally laughing out loud right now. One shit news item that says we help Israel as an ally = whole thing is a lie. Ooooook.
This is weak. Even for shills these days. New low.
Sauce beside your one widdle link saying we are help Israel with troops as an ally?