According to Cisco Wheeler, a former Illuminati mind-control programmer, at least ten million people have been programmed as mind-controlled slaves using
Himmlerian and Tavistock Institute-derived trauma-based mind-control programmes with codenames such as MONARCH and MK-ULTRA A more recently developed, non-trauma, electronic means of mind-control programming that emerged out of the Montauk Project (after its location on Long Island), may have entrapped millions more. Al Bielek, who was prominently instrumental in developing the Montauk Project, has stated that there may also be as many as ten million victims of Montauk-style mind-control programming worldwide, with the majority living in the United States. Bielek is also on record as having revealed that there are covert Montauk Programming 'Centers' in every important city in America. A list of alleged Illuminati programmers, including the late Pope, is given on pages 517-518 of the present work. What is usually referred to as 'public opinion' is really carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit an intended behavioural response from the general public. Public opinion polls are taken specifically with the covert intention of gauging the public's acceptance of pre-planned Illuminati operations and projects. A strong showing in opinion polls tells the Illuminati manipulators that a given programming operation is 'taking', while a poor outcome tells the New Undlrworld Order manipulators that they need to recast or 'tweak', the programming until the desired response is achieved. While the general thrust and content of a given burst of controlled propaganda is decided by the London-based Tavistock Institute, according to sources, implementation of the propaganda in the United States is handled by more than 200 controlled 'think tanks' such as the CIA's RAND Corporation and the Brookings Institution, which are overseen and directed by the leading New World Order control organisation in the United States, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), located at Menlo Park, CA The Author, who has visited the United States frequently every year since 1977, has never - repeat, NEVER - encountered a single 'think tank', lobbying organisation or specialised media outlet that is not controlled in some manner, with an instrumental axe to grind. This grim state of affairs has been exacerbated in recent years by the emergence of more than 300 controlled intelligence Information Warfare websites which exist to spread disinformation, propagate confusion and divert attention from questionable or downright evil official policies, so that no-one can fathom what is happening.
http: //exopolitics.blogs.com/files/the-new-underworld-order-christopher-story.pdf