Anonymous ID: 5c974a Feb. 17, 2018, 4:34 a.m. No.407938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7998



If Cooper witnessed actual anti-gravity vehicles, he wouldn't be wrong to draw an alien connection. I see him recanting what he said as more of an edit.


There had been much talk about a strategy for disclosure the last few years. The strategy turns away from the hard Redpill and instead would focus on first deciminating information about ancient advanced civilizations that would allow for an explanation of skunkworks tech without having to go deep into whether or not there is current contact with ET types.


Instead, we get a public admission of all the "forbidden archeology" and how reverse engineering has allowed for Yuge leaps in our heretofore unacknowleged military hardware.


Usually manage to stay out of these over 40,000 ft discussions that supersede our mandated scope, but it being a big interest of mine, couldn't help but chime in this time.

Anonymous ID: 5c974a Feb. 17, 2018, 5:49 a.m. No.408204   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You ask excellent questions.


As far as who is in control of disclosure, your post alludes to how I would answer that.


Two main parties seek disclosure for entirely different reasons. Black-hats v. white-hats. White-hats fear mass disclosure due to the societal implications (Think the old story of Eisenhower's alleged meeting and choice not to disclose at that time because it was felt humanity was not ready)


Black-hats will seek to use disclosure to their advantage and in many ways it will be dishonest and weaponized to create the exact hysteria white-hats see to avoid. (Think project Blue Beam)


In a way this whole conversation is comparable to how Q said those who don't understand why mass arrests and going 100% public with what "they've" been doing cannot happen. It would cause society to grind to a halt and distrust of all our political institutions would create a very dangerous climate.


If you are interested in well researched explanations of mankinds role in development of our skunkworks tech, you will find no better source (imo) than these Jack Heart essays where he digs deep into the science/scientists and the occult connection. (He includes exhaustive citation sourcing)


Start with the earliest posted essays. And for my part, I will stop shitting up this board with this stuff until we are told specifically to dig in these areas. Thank you for your thoughtful reply:

